Showing 1 - 10 of 39
Diese Bachelorarbeit führt in den Themenkomplex Wohlstand und dessen Messung ein. Es wird gezeigt, wer oder was heutzutage als „wohlhabend“ bezeichnet werden kann. Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob das Bruttoinlandsprodukt das geeignete Messinstrument für Wohlstand ist. Dazu wird sich...
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There is not much research on welfare-economics from the perspective of human wellbeing (happiness). The main reason is that this is qualitative and subjective phenomena are not easily captured by measurement. In the present endeavour, the authors tried to capture it (happiness) from the...
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The small-scale pepper producers in the El Roble settlement Costa Rica face a monopsonistic market. Only one processing firm is buying the fresh pepper bunches. The processor has all bargaining power to decide on the price paid to the farmers and the quality selection criteria. The rejection...
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Costa Rica has been successful in attracting high-tech foreign direct investment (FDI). An aggressive FDI-assisted development strategy was pursued by the country in the 1980s as a response to the economic crisis; yet there are serious concerns about the effectiveness of such strategy from a...
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This paper presents an analysis of the contribution of some institutional innovations to a more inclusive growth in the coffee and the palm oil sectors. The paper presents an historical approach, considering the concepts of growth and sustainable development, but specially the notion of...
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The classic dual economy models of developing countries hold minimum wages (among other institutions) accountable for persistent dualism. They note that applying or enforcing minimum wage laws in only one sector of the economy will create wage differentials which will not be eroded with labor...
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This paper investigates the effects of legal minimum wages on wages, employment, hours worked and monthly earnings among workers covered by minimum wage legislation as well as those for whom it does not apply (the uncovered sector) in Costa Rica. This country’s large uncovered sector and...
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For researchers studying the economic development of nations, the availability of human capital data is crucial. Economists making efforts to examine the impact of human resources on economic development before the end of World War II often face massive problems. Methods of collecting data,...
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To help guide development of the Gross National Happiness (GNH), this paper analyzes Western economic systems. Drivers of environmental and social problems will be discussed with the goal of helping Bhutan avoid these pitfalls. The paper then suggests a strategy for developing the GNH as well as...
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Im gleichen Zuge, in dem sich China und Indien zu dominierenden Wirtschaftsmächten entwickeln, wird sich die Belastung des Ökosystems in regionaler und globaler Hinsicht drastisch verschärfen. So rechnet die Internationale Energieagentur (IEA) damit, dass Indien bis 2015 weltweit der...
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