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The present article has as a starting point the phenomenon of globalization, so debated worldwide today. Along this work, we have tried offer a departure point, motivated of what the phenomenon of globalization means in economical context. Thus, we debate problems of major interest like:...
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We estimate the elasticity of substitution using two different production functions. The usual Constant Elasticity of Substitution (CES) production function and a Box-Cox production function for Japan (1890-1991), UK (1870-1991), and US (1890-1992; 1929-2000). The main results are that we find the...
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The objective of this paper is to construct a framework for analyzing trade-offs between economic performance and environmental pressure at firm level. Based on a literature review, partially conflicting economic-environmental trade-off paradigms are structured and five necessary conditions for...
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This paper presents a personal view of the interaction between the analysis of choice under uncertainty and the analysis of production under uncertainty. Interest in the foundations of the theory of choice under uncertainty was stimulated by applications of expected utility theory such as the...
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Statistical Activity Cost Theory (SACT) is an axiomatic and statistical theory of basic accounting measurement practice. The aim of the SACT analysis, among others, is to determine the statistical nature of both the physical production system of an accounting entity and its related costs, which...
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We propose a new method to find spatially adaptive smoothing splines. This new method breaks down the interval [0, 1] into p disjoint sub-intervals. Then we define p functional components in [0, 1], which have two importantfeatures. First, the purpose of each of these p components is to estimate...
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We consider the problem of model assessment by risk estimation. Variousapproaches to risk estimation are considered in a uni ed framework. This a discussion of various complexity dimensions and approaches to obtainingbounds on covering numbers is also presented.The second type of training sample...
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In terms of risk measurement, probability and quantile risk estimation have developed enormously in the past decade, from value-at-risk measures to coherent measures such as expected shortfall. These measures allow an investor to determine their risk profile accounting for losses (quantiles) at...
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To overcome the curse of dimensionality, dimension reduction is important andnecessary for understanding the underlying phenomena in a variety of fields.Dimension reduction is the transformation of high-dimensional data into ameaningful representation in the low-dimensional space. It can be...
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This thesis is concerned with simulation output analysis. In particular, we are inter-ested in estimating the variance parameter of a steady-state output process. The estimationof the variance parameter has immediate applications in problems involving (i) the precisionof the sample mean as a...
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