Showing 181 - 190 of 1,028
This article presents a methodology designed to facilitate the systematic comparison of alternative discounting procedures for the costs and benefits of industrial regulatory activity. A discounting framework developed by Bradford is adapted for use in the context of industry regulation. Within...
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This paper examines research on the diffusion of innovation, the final stage in the process of technological change. The focus rests primarily on two traditions in diffusion research: that of economists and that of sociologists. Diffusion researchers in these and related disciplines have made...
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A number of studies have applied non-market valuation techniques to measure the value of cultural goods. Virtually all of these studies are single case applications and rely mostly on stated preferences, such as contingent valuation techniques. We compare the relative value of multiple,...
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Transcribing medical documents accurately into pre-defined formats and within certain time frames is vital for administrative and medical purposes in any hospital. This paper describes quantitative models incorporating available data to represent transcription activities of a medical records...
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The demand for donated organs greatly exceeds supply and many candidates die awaiting transplantation. Policies for allocating deceased donor organs may address equity of access and medical efficacy, but typically must be implemented with incomplete information. Simulation-based analysis can...
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Recently, the National Academy of Sciences concluded “it is clear thatpopulation and the environment are usually interrelated . . . ”. This paper directlytests the expected interrelationship using annual county-level population estimatesprovided by the U.S. Census Bureau and annual counts of...
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The oft-observed inverse relationship between economic activity in the formal or informal sector and levels of fertility is attributed to the opportunity costs of reproduction. The economic and social policies that initiate and maintain the substantial flow of federal transfer payments to the...
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Viešojo sektoriaus ekonomikos magistro baigiamojo darbo objektas – Lietuvos ekonominio saugumo veiksniai pokyčių sąlygomis – nauja mokslinių tyrimų sritis, valstybės ekonominės politikos strateginė kryptis. Temos aktualumas – valstybės ekonominis saugumas yra nacionalinio saugumo...
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Šiame straipsnyje autorius analizuoja per pastaruosius devynerius metus Čekijos įmonių pasiektus ekonominius efektyvumo rezultatus ir bando aiškintis pagrindinius faktorius, kurie nulemia kapitalo grąžos (pelningumo) rodiklius. Savo analizę autorius atlieka remdamasis iš esmės dviem...
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The increase in the brain drain from poor countries to more affluent ones is having a dramatic negative impact on the prospects for the economic development of the affected countries. One strategy that is being used to fight it, is called the “return” strategy, and consists of enticing those...
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