Showing 1 - 10 of 41
Technology transfer and the so-called productivity spillover-effects are important aspects of foreign direct investments regarding their contribution to the long-term development potential of the host countries.The effects of the foreign direct investments on the foreign and domestic companies...
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This study addresses the potential trade-off between inflation and exchange rate targeting in former transition countries, which now may be labeled emerging market economies and which prepare for entry into the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). Among this group of countries, some implemented...
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Vergleicht man die r?umliche Industriekonzentration der USA mit der europ?ischen in den siebziger Jahren, erkennt man, da? Industriesektoren in den USA wesentlich st?rker agglomeriert sind als in Europa. Dies f?hrt Paul Krugman auf das zum Untersuchungszeitpunkt bestehende gr??ere Ma? an...
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This study focuses on testing the relationship between income inequality and growth within U.S. counties, and the channels through which such effects are observed. The study tests three hypotheses: (1) income inequality has an inverse relationship with growth; (2) regional growth adjustments are...
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The aim of this paper is the evaluation of gross value added inequality in the field production businesses, including the definition of determinants that cause or eliminate the mentioned inequality. The fulfillment of this aim is based on the quantification and decomposition of the Gini...
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Positive economics, which is aimed on searching patterns among economic phenomenons and processes, is in submitted paper focused on relationship between economic activity of inhabitants - self-employed persons and thein tax duties - income tax of self-employed persons. This causality was...
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The real estate economy of Hong Kong is one of the most dynamic and sophisticated in the world, and has contributed greatly to the spectacular development of this vibrant city. More importantly, at a time of rapid globalization of the world economy, it is possibly the best model of the behaviour...
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Lietuvos Respublikai įstojus į Europos Sąjungą kelerius metus sparčiai augo nekilnojamo turto rinka, ženkliai didėjo sudaromų nekilnojamo turto sandorių skaičius. Šiuo periodu kelis kartus išaugo nekilnojamo turto statybos, nuomos bei pardavimo kainos, kas lėmė, jog tiek fiziniai,...
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Straipsnyje nagrinėjami (teoriniu ir praktiniu aspektais) veiksniai, darantys įtaką nekilnojamojo turto rinkai, pabrėžiama jų įtaka ekonomikos plėtrai ilgu ir trumpu vystymosi laikotarpiu. Palyginami Lietuvos makroekonomikos rodiklių ir nekilnojamojo turto rinkos ciklai. Atskleidžiami...
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Nekilnojamojo turto vertinimas, siekiant jį įkeisti, yra svarbi vertintojo darbo dalis bendrojoje jo praktikoje. Nekilnojamasis turtas vertinamas jo apžiūros dieną, atsižvelgiant į tai, ar tokia vertė išliks ir bus reali. Šiame darbe nagrinėjami svarbūs tiek vertinimo metodo, tiek...
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