Showing 1 - 10 of 576
Vor dem Hintergrund der bisherigen theoretischen und empirischen Studien untersucht diese Arbeit vornehmlich die kausale Beziehung zwischen ausländischen Direktinvestitionen (DI) und Wirtschaftswachstum in 6 lateinamerikanischen Ländern.Die wachsenden Zuflüsse ausländischer...
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The first essay proposes to test the Grossman and Helpman "Protection for Sale" model using data from the U.S. food processing industries at the 4-digit level. The Grossman and Helpman model departs from previous frameworks of trade protection in that it provides micro-foundations to the...
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This research offers an empirical analysis of the economic effects on Morocco from implementing a Free Trade Area (FTA) with the European Union (EU) signed in 1996. Since the FTA translates largely into unilateral discriminatory tariff elimination against EU imports, there are concerns about the...
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This dissertation explores the influences of minimum quality standards and of the threat of entry in a vertical product differentiation model. In the first chapter, I study the influence of minimum quality standards in a partial-equilibrium model of vertical product differentiation and trade in...
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The study used a modified version of an applied general equilibrium model and database, GTAP, to generate comparative static projections about the future patterns of production, consumption, trade and agricultural protection, focusing on the SEA-4 countries. Exogenous regional macroeconomic...
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This dissertation explores the interconnections that exist between international financial institutions, the state's implementation of economic policies, and the development of resistance movements in Latin America. The first part of this research looks at the three main models of economic...
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The purpose of this thesis was to determine when it could be advantageous for two competing technology companies to cooperate with one another. To answer this question, an illustrative case study of the Ashkelon desalination plant was analyzed against traditional theories and, once those...
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The paper addresses the significance of financial development as a possible determinant of economic growth. Economists and policymakers in transition economies and emerging markets are certainly aware of the key role that, in a market economy, the financial system is supposed to play in the...
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This dissertation investigates whether and why social structure influences cooperative organizational strategic decision making in an international relations context, and in particular, similar voting in the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). The economic and institutional embeddedness of...
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