Showing 1 - 10 of 274
Diese empirische Arbeit untersucht Determinanten des Renteneintritts. Sie basiert auf einem Optionswertmodell, um die Bedeutung finanzieller Überlegungen für ein Aufschieben des Renteneintritts zu analysieren. Zusätzlich wird der Einfluss institutioneller Rahmenbedingungen betrachtet. Ein neu...
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Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der Bedeutung der Spezifikation für Ratingmodelle zur Prognose von Kreditausfallwahrscheinlichkeiten. Ausgehend von dem in der Bankenpraxis etablierten Logit-Modell werden verschiedene Modellerweiterungen diskutiert und hinsichtlich ihrer Eigenschaften...
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Spatial and social dependence shape human activity-travel pattern decisions and their antecedent choices. Although the transportation literature has long recognized the importance of considering spatial and social dependencies in modeling individuals’ choice behavior, there has been less...
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Mixed model estimation methods were used to fit individual-tree basal area growth models to tree and stand-level measurements available from permanent plots established in naturally regenerated shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata Mill.) even-aged stands in western Arkansas and eastern Oklahoma in the...
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The alleged privacy paradox states that individuals report high values for personal privacy, while at the same time they report behavior that contradicts a high privacy value. This is a misconception. Reported privacy behaviors are explained by asymmetric subjective beliefs. Beliefs may or may...
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In many studies, lattice or area data are observed and spatial analysis is performed. A spatial process observed over a lattice or a set of irregular regions is usually modeled using a conditionally autoregressive (CAR) model. The neighborhoods within a CAR model are generally formed using only...
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Air toxic emission factor data often contain one or more censored points below a single or multiple detection limits. Such data sets are referred to as "censored." Conventional methods used to deal with censored data sets include removing non-detects, or replacing the censored points with zero,...
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The problem of estimating the period of a periodic point process is considered when the observations are sparse and noisy. There is a class of estimators that operate by maximizing an objective function over an interval of possible periods, notably the periodogram estimator of Fogel & Gavish and...
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Under most reliability model assumptions, all failures in a population are considered to come from the same distribution. Each individual failure time is assumed to provide information about the likely failure times of all other devices in the population. However, from time to time, process...
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Despite their success and widespread usage in industry and business, ES methods have received little attention from the statistical community. We investigate three types of statistical models that have been found to underpin ES methods. They are ARIMA models, state space models with multiple...
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