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Recently gravity trade models are applied to disaggregated trade data. Here many zeros arecharacteristic. In the presence of excess zeros usual Poisson Pseudo Maximum Likelihood(PPML) is still consistent, the variance covariance matrix however is invalid. Correcteconomic interpretation however...
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to city planning students: location theory, the interplay between externalities and zoning, international trade and … globalization, and housing finance. Few incoming students have had prior exposure to these topics. The first two-thirds of the … semester is given over to Microeconomics (11.203). It is designed for incoming city planning students with little or no …
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particular interest to city planning students: location theory, the interplay between externalities and zoning, international … trade and globalization, and housing finance. Few incoming students have had prior exposure to these topics.The first two …-thirds of the semester is given over to Microeconomics (11.203). It is designed for incoming city planning students with little …
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This dissertation studies models for locating facilities in time varying demandenvironments. We describe the characteristics of the time varying demand that motivatethe analysis of our location models in terms of total demand and the changein value and location of the demand of each customer....
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Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht wissenschaftlich anhand eines theoretischen Modells, wie sich internationale Migration auf die Volkwirtschaft des Aufnahmelandes auswirkt – nicht nur im Rahmen der EU-Osterweiterung. Kapitel eins enthält neben einer Hinführung zum Thema einen allgemeinen...
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The tradition of gravity models is in the analysis of trade flows with market size and geographic or economic distance as core variables. Both these variables can be important determinants of FDI, too. However, when such models are used to explain FDI, there can be differences in the mode of...
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Recently gravity trade models are applied to disaggregated trade data. Here manyzeros are characteristic. In the presence of excess zeros usual Poisson Pseudo MaximumLikelihood (PPML) is still consistent, the variance covariance matrix howeveris invalid. Correct economic interpretation however...
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The recent proliferation of regional trade agreements (RTAs) has intensified the debate on their merits. A growing literature has addressed this policy debate, focusing on the welfare and trade effects of RTAs and their likely impacts on the multilateral trading system. Some view them as...
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