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We consider an extension of the classical secretary problem where a decision maker observes only the relative ranks of a sequence of up to N applicants, whose true values are i.i.d. U[0,1] random variables. Applicants arrive according to a homogeneous Poisson Process, and the decision maker...
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of refineries partially offsets the large reduction in consumer surplus. As the theory predicts, these shocks have a …
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We extend economic analysis of the nuclear power industry by developing and employing three tools. They are 1) compilation and unification of operating and accounting data sets for plants and sites, 2) an abstract industry model with major economic agents and features, and 3) a model of nuclear...
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theory tries to explain how rational expectations could be the outcome of optimising behaviour. However, in the face of …
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In this thesis, several stochastic optimization models are presented to determine the number of airport arrival slots that should be made available for distribution via a market mechanism. Considerable attention is paid to the structure and mathematical properties of each of these models, with...
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Transcribing medical documents accurately into pre-defined formats and within certain time frames is vital for administrative and medical purposes in any hospital. This paper describes quantitative models incorporating available data to represent transcription activities of a medical records...
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CMPL (Coliop Mathematical Programming Language) is a mathematical programming language for modelling linear programming (LP) problems or mixed integer programming (MIP) problems. The CMPL syntax is similar in formulation to the the original mathematical model but also includes syntactic elements...
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Struggling retail chains often try to recover profitability by closing some of their stores. The challenge in this strategy lies in determining how many stores to close, as store exit has implications for both the customers and the supply chain. After a store closes, its customers are lost...
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Drei große Reformenpakete und eine Reihe kleinerer Begleitmaßnahmen prägen das renten¬politische Erbe der rot-grünen Bundesregierung. Einerseits greifen sie Trends in der Reformpolitik seit Beginn der 90er Jahre auf. So verstärkt die Rentenstrukturreform 2001 beispielsweise die...
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Models of agricultural economics typically operate at an annual basis or in a static equilibriumframework where inputs, outputs and their prices may change considerably. Production dynamics,however, imply that models relying on spatial and temporal aggregation do not capture the effects...
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