Showing 1 - 10 of 14
Untersuchungsziel dieser finanzwissenschaftlichen Arbeit ist die Wirkung einer Tobin-Steuer als spezielle Transaktionssteuer auf das Devisen-Handelsvolumen und die Wechselkursvolatilität. Ausgangspunkt bildet das mikroökonomische Investitionsverhalten der Marktteilnehmer, das wir mit Hilfe von...
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Three years after the seminal work of Black and Scholes on the pricing of European options, Scholes presented a paper in which the impact of taxation on the value of an option is analyzed. We restart this discussion in a simple binomial setting emphasizing the economic principles of replicating...
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Jahresabschlusspolitik und -analyse darzustellen. These der Dissertation ist hierbei, dass derivative Finanzinstrumente und die mit ihnen …
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In this thesis we discuss option pricing and hedging under regime switching models. To the standard model we add jumps of various types. In particular, we consider a jump that is synchronous with a change in the regime state. Thus, for example, we can define a process such that the stock price...
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in a world with heterogeneous financial development, the classic conclusion does not hold. In particular, in less …
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There is a general recognition that there are deficiencies in the Mundell-Fleming model. Nonetheless, Rose [2000] has stated that Mundell was the first to exposit the Policy Trilemma, which identifies an intrinsic incompatibility among: high capital mobility, fixed exchange rates, and monetary...
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sudden stops to occur at date two and asks whether individuals in such a shock-prone world are still better off borrowing …
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In this thesis different definitions of financial contagion are explored. These definitions are applied to test for evidence of contagion on a number of stock markets and during several turbulent periods. First, we investigate the question whether emerging stock markets are more or less...
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Registration of births, recording deaths by age, sex and cause, and calculating mortality levels and differentials are fundamental to evidence-based health policy, monitoring and evaluation. Yet few of the countries with the greatest need for these data have functioning systems to produce them...
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interpreted as the world business cycle. The further components suggest the existence of a Scandinavian-Anglo-Saxon business cycle …
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