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untersuchen wir die Rolle der Geldpolitik während der Weltwirtschaftskrise in den USA. Die besondere Rolle der Geldpolitik gilt …
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Beim Vergleich der New Economy und der Zeit vor der Großen Depression sind zwei Analogien ersichtlich. In den 1920ern wie in den 1990ern wurde durch die Verwendung neuer Schlüsseltechnologien und rasante technische Entwicklung ein Investitionsboom ausgelöst. In den 1920ern waren dies die...
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zwei mögliche Wege, die je nach Situation der Weltwirtschaft und der rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen vorzuziehen sind. …
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Die hollowing-out Hypothese, auch bekannt unter den Bezeichnungen (two) corner solutions oder bipolar view, besagt, dass für Staaten mit weitgehend ungehindertem Kapitalverkehr nur Ecklösungen, also entweder extrem feste oder sehr flexible Wechselkursregime, langfristig tragbar sind. Mitte der...
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The concept of trade openness is broadly applied as a potential predictor in numerous empirical studies, despite the fact that no commonly accepted approach of measuring openness has been developed. The most widely applied (‘traditional’) openness indices are not able to accurately calculate...
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This article deals with fundamental and topical problems of taxation policy, viewing the subject from both a German and an international perspective. Traditional income tax regimes in developed countries with their progressive tax rates are still based upon the redistributive philosophy which...
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New trends in global economy require greater capacity of the agricultural workforce. In order improve agricultural productivity it is needed to increase the level of human capital of the agrarian population. Human capital is accumulatedknowledge, created in the long term process of human...
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Large estimates of the benefits of microeconomic reform have been put forward in official studies. By contrast, Quiggin …. Overstated claims about the benefits of microeconomic reform have distorted Australia's economic priorities and encouraged an …
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contrast two insurance regimes; the status quo of mandated pooling of all risk types and the reform proposal being insurance … with risk-type separation over time, using Bayesian updating. Most individuals would benefit from the reform since their … risk type is better than the average but the reform does not occur due to individual uncertainty. …
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