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A Köz-Gazdaság fontosnak tartja, hogy a multidiszciplináris megközelítés jegyében bemutassa más társadalomtudományok kutatásait és eredményeit. Ennek jegyében közlünk néhány részletet Rostoványi Zsolt Európai (euro-)iszlám vagy iszlám Európában című, a közelmúltban...
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A katolikus egyház a 19. század végétől egyre gyakrabban foglalkozott társadalmi kérdésekkel. Az erről szóló megnyilatkozások alapformáját a pápai enciklikák képezték. Ezek alapján kikristályosodott az egyház társadalmi tanítása, amely elsősorban a modern társadalom...
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Analysis of the integration strategies followed by migrants provides good insight into the process of integration and helps with understanding the interaction between migrants and the receiving society. This approach integrates the micro, the meso and the macro levels of social scientific...
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The paper is designed to answer such questions as where does the development of a new common European identity stand, which countries or regions show stronger or weaker European identification inside the EU, how has this changed over the past decades in the process of the enlargement of Europe,...
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It has not been easy to develop comprehensive understanding of this protracted conflict especially in the backdrop of time to time incidents of war/violence in Gaza. Many authors have approached the conflict with variety of perspectives. Within this context, Professor Dávid Kaposi, who works at...
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This recent book titled From learning the language to political participation is the result of a vast research program named ‘European Integration Modules – Exchange of Experience’ carried out by the ICCR-Budapest Foundation. The aim of this initiative was to select and explore European...
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Norway has traditionally had an ambiguous relation to international cooperation. Norway has on the one hand been an active member of United Nations and NATO and has signed several international treaties and agreements. On the other hand Norwegian voters have in national referenda twice turned...
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The article is based on interviews conducted with representatives of civil society organizations. The interviewees shared their thoughts about an ever-growing fear present in the population of Hungary with regard to migration. The author talked about the roots and reasons of this fear, and the...
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The Soviet Union as a colonial power in Central Asia decided to step up against the perceived traditional marginalisation of women. It intended to create an equal society for men and women, and treated women as important allies in the modernisation and the restructuration of traditional...
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