Showing 1 - 10 of 26
In dieser Arbeit werden demografische Determinanten der Energienachfrage der Haushalte in Deutschland untersucht, der Fokus liegt dabei auf der Nachfrage nach Energie im Bereich Raumwärme und im motorisierten Individualverkehr. Verwendet wird die Modelliermethode System Dynamics; Ergebnis der...
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This dissertation studies strategies to mitigate the risks associated with operational and strategic decisions of a firm, particularly focusing on project management, product development and procurement decisions. In the first essay we develop two simulation-based methods to evaluate risky...
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Currently the network centric operation and network centric warfare have generated a new area of research focused on determining how hierarchical organizations composed by human beings and machines make decisions over collaborative environments. One of the most stressful scenarios for these...
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In today s world, supply chains are facing market dynamics dominated by strong global competition, high labor costs, shorter product life cycles, and environmental regulations. Supply chains have evolved to keep pace with the rapid growth in these business dynamics, becoming longer and more...
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Accumulation is a fundamental process in dynamic systems: inventory accumulates production less shipments; the national debt accumulates the federal deficit. Effective decision making in such systems requires an understanding of the relationship between stocks and the flows that alter them....
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The objective of the paper is to simulate the corporate value of Champagne makers by takinginto account the Champagne market evolution. These measurements are conducted by linkingfinancial debt, performance and valuation to a vertical coordination model of production-consumptionwithin a cobweb...
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The European Union’s Water Framework Directive (WFD) has “the purpose to protect and preserve water resources across the European Union to ensure future sustainable use” but is likely to add to agricultural land losses, e.g. to infrastructure, industrial estates and housing. While the...
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The purpose of the paper was to study if the dynamics of the Brazilian cattle stocks can be better explained by systemic endogenous factors or either by exogenous changes on beef demand. The conclusion, as proposed by the theory of the cattle cycle, was that systemic factors related to the...
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In organisations decision makers act as information converters, receiving and translating information flows into managerial actions. A system dynamics approach identifies how streams of decisions and resources interact to produce behaviours recognised as problematic for an organisation, for the...
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This thesis aims to fill the gaps in the literature of the theory of constraints (TOC) in publicly funded health systems. While TOC seems to be a natural fit for this resource-constrained environment, there are still no reported application of TOC’s drum-buffer-rope tool and inadequate...
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