Showing 1 - 10 of 455
In Albers & Albers (Spring, 2013) we demonstrated that the historic development of U.S. real GNP, 1869-present, may be structured in recurring 14-year periods. A steady-state rate of growth of 3.4969% is thereby calculated, generating an increase in real GNP proportional to the famous “Golden...
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In Part One of this paper we use the harmonic analogy of a musical octave to analyze mathematic ratios of U.S. real GNP. These ratios are generated by bringing together figures for U.S. real GNP over intervals of time – “spreads of years” – as numerator and denominator in a single...
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This paper reconsiders the nature of the trends (i.e. deterministic or stochastic) in macroeconomic time series. For this purpose, the paper employs two new tests that display robustness to structural breaks of unknown forms, irrespective of the date and/or location of the breaks. These tests...
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This book is about the construction of reality. The central aim of this study is to understand how gravity works and how it may be focused and manipulated. While I do not have an answer to this question, the discoveries along the way have been worth collecting into a single volume for future...
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Purpose - This paper aims to investigate the integrational properties of real GDP for 125 countries. Design/methodology/approach - The paper applies the Kwiatkowski et al. univariate test and a KPSS-type univariate test that accounts for multiple structural breaks -a test procedure proposed by...
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We calibrate an endogenous growth model to study the effect of the quality of human capital on productivity growth in a sample of thirty developed and developing countries for the period 1980 to 2007. We measure quality of human capital by relative cognitive skills. These are country scores in...
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This paper discusses how profit and loss sharing ratios will be determined at the micro and micro levels in an interest free system of financing business operating side by side of an interest based conventional financing.It shows that leverage magnification of return on owners' equity is also...
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Schumpeter had a clear vision of the developing economy, but he did not formalize it. The quest for a germane formal basis is in the following guided by the general question: what is the minimum set of foundational propositions for a consistent reconstruction of the evolving money economy? We...
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When anything goes and nothing fits together this can be euphemized as pluralism, blossoming with fresh ideas. Lacking a common fixed point, discussions between various schools of economic thought actually amount to a repetition of contradicting views with more refined arguments. It seems...
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This paper develops an open economy portfolio balance model with endogenous asset supply. Domestic producers finance capital goods through credit and bonds in accordance with debt capital costs as well as through equity assets. Private households hold a portfolio of domestic and foreign assets,...
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