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dieser Arbeit Ansätze der Unternehmensbewertung auf Basis des Shareholder-Value-Ansatzes und der Kundenwert zusammengeführt …
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’s. Danach erfolgt die Anwendung des EVA für die Unternehmensbewertung, sowie eine finanzielle Performancerechnung mit Vergleich …
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ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Loyalty programmes have become very popular over the last 10 years and manybusinesses have chosen to implement such programmes to support their marketingstrategies. Fundamental to the functioning and success of such loyalty programmesis the ability to gather, process, analyse...
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The aim of this article is to investigate the relationship between Economic Value Added, traditional performance measures (Return on Assets ‘ROA’ and Return on Equity ‘ROE’) and their ability to measure the creation of shareholder wealth in food-processing firms in the Czech Republic. To...
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Desy Marliany Nasution, 2009. Influence of Cash Flows from Operation, Firm Size, Earnings and Economic Value Added to the Rate of Return of Banking Emiten Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange, with counsellor commission; Ade FatmaLubis, (Chief) and Iskandar Muda (Member).This research aim to to...
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The purpose of this research is to know and analysis the effect of Economic Value Added (EVA), Return on Assets (ROA), Net Profit Margin (NPM) and Earning Per Share (EPS) to the stock price of the manufacture company which is registered in Indonesia Stock Exchange, either is simultaneously and...
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This research aims to know the relation between the return on asset with economic value added in measurement financial performance. This research is a hypothesis examining research to know the correlational relation among the variables. The population of this research are the manufacturing...
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Verslas labai svarbus kiekvienos šalies ekonomikai, jo teikiamą naudą gali pajusti tiek verslininkai, verslo atstovai, tiek ir kiti visuomenės nariai. Lietuvoje šiuo metu verslo sektorius yra pažengęs, tačiau jame yra dar daug neišspręstų problemų, neatsakytų klausimų. Šiuo metu...
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Įmonės dažniausiai susiduria su problema: kokias lėšas, skolintas ar nuosavas, naudoti veiklos finansavimui. Įvairūs finansavimo būdai susiję su kaštais, kuriuos valdant galima padidinti įmonės ekonominę pridėtinę vertę (EVA). Analizuojant ir vertinant AB ,,Apranga“ kapitalo...
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The creation of shareholder wealth has become the key of corporate success. A setback in achieving this is a lack of commitment and participation in productivity initiatives at shop floor level in South Africa and companies are faced with competitive challenges of promoting innovativeness...
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