Showing 1 - 10 of 19
Für den Regelungszweck der Erbteilung sieht das Erbrecht alternativ das Eintreten der gesetzlichen Erbfolge oder die gewillkürte Erbfolge (z.B. in Form eines Testaments) durch den Erblasser vor. In allen Anwendungsfällen, in denen der Erblasser hinsichtlich der erbfallbedingten Zuteilung...
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Die vorliegende Dissertation besteht aus fünf unabhängigen Forschungspapieren über optimale Steuer- und Bildungspolitik, welche ich während meines Promotionsstudiums an der Universität Konstanz erstellt habe. Private Versicherungen gegen Einkommensrisiko können aufgrund von moral hazard...
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This contribution addresses the substantial tax privilege for businesses introduced by the German Inheritance Tax Act 2009. Advocates of the vast or even entire tax exemption for businesses stress the potential damage of the inheritance tax on businesses, as those often lack liquidity to meet...
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We postulate a nonlinear DSGE model with a financial sector and heterogeneous households. In our model, the interaction between the supply of bonds by the financial sector and the precautionary demand for bonds by households produces significant endogenous aggregate risk. This risk induces an...
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We study the link between culturally inherited household structure and wealth distribution in international comparisons using household data for the US and Spain (the SCF and the EFF). We estimate counterfactual US distributions relying on the Spanish household structure. Our results show that...
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Este artículo analiza el problema de un planificador benevolente que desea controlar una población de agentes heterogéneos sujetos a perturbaciones idiosincrásticas. Esto es equivalente a un problema de control determinista en el que la variable de estado pertinente es la distribución de...
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This paper extends an economic geography model by tariffs to analyze their impact on welfare and sustainability of agglomerations. Policies with and without cooperation are compared, with the goal of maximizing aggregated welfare in the former and regional welfare in the latter case. The main...
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Diese Doktorarbeit besteht aus vier eigenständigen Forschungsarbeiten, die in der Zeit von Oktober 2004 bis Oktober 2007 geschrieben wurden, während ich Teilnehmer am "Doctoral Programme in Quantitative Economics and Finance" an der Universität Konstanz war. Meine Forschungsinteressen...
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In a two-period world with endogenous savings and two assets, the optimal tax structure and optimal diversification of aggregate (capital) risk between private and public consumption are analyzed. We show that there is no trade-off between efficiency in intertemporal consumption and allocation...
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In pursuit of its transition from a command to a market economy, post-Soviet Russia has witnessed enormous regional differences in economic growth rates. Moreover, the economic reforms implemented under this transition, while initiated at the federal level, have also differed markedly across...
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