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Die vorliegende Arbeit ist aufgrund der Beobachtung von wiederkehrenden Phänomenen in der Markenführungspraxis entstanden. Es konnte beobachtet werden, dass trotz einer vorhandenen strategischen Markenführung, eines Markenperformance Measurement und weiteren Instrumenten umfassende...
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Markenführung soll den effektiven Einsatz von Marketingaktivitäten fördern und die Ebenen Konsumentenverhalten bzw. -einstellung …
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Recent developments in intra-industry trade (IIT) literature focus on the relationships between IIT and adjustment costs associated with changes in trade pattern. The effects of trade liberalisation depend, inter alia, on whether trade is of an inter-industry or intra-industry nature. The belief...
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The article’s aim is to conduct a comparative cross-section analysis of the innovative behaviour of the German manufacturing industry. The peculiarities of the food industry are tested in a combined analysis based on both input and output indicators. Linear and logistic regressions are used to...
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The problem we address in this paper is that in projects focusing on public-private cooperation to stimulate innovation in theNetherlands, initiatives often lack continuation after the study-phase. We extracted possible influencing variables from business and (transaction)cost economic...
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For transition countries, the food industry sector is a key industry in terms of output andemployment shares. As a competitive sector that receives substantial foreign directinvestments (FDI), it plays an important role as an element in the process of integration in theEuropean and world market....
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In our research we examine the foreign investments from the change of regime, privatization; EUaccession, possibilities offered by subventions (2004-2006); so the experiences of the last 15 years, and we draw upthe expectations from the actual New Hungary Rural Development and National...
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Based on statistical analyses of the financial data, the study showed that organisational instabilitycharacterised the period under examination. On average, change of ownership or of management, or evenmergers or de-mergers occurred every 3.7 years. The “stable” periods are too short for...
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A kilencvenes évtized első éveiben a külföldi tőkebefektetés egyik kiemelt cél-pontja az élelmiszeripar volt. A rendkívül gyors vállalat-felvásárlás és a megva-lósított tőkeemelés hatására 1993-ban a (vizsgált) élelmiszeripar összes jegyzett tőkéjének már 43...
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