Showing 1 - 10 of 243
Bespiel von Deutschland und USA). Die Auswahl von geeigneten bilanziellen Kennzahlen ist für diese Länder immer noch ein …
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Apart from an extensive survey of the literature on the economics of corporate bankruptcy law, this thesis contains three own contributions: First, a model is presented where a firm's manager acquires some private information about whether a firm should be liquidated or stay in business....
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Die vorliegende Studie analysiert die Ergebnisse einer bundesweiten Unternehmensbefragung zum Finanzierungsverhalten deutscher KMU. Im Fokus stehen die Verf?gbarkeit konkreter Finanzierungsinstrumente f?r KMU und deren Akzeptanz im Mittelstand. Dies soll die derzeitigen M?glichkeiten und Grenzen...
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The document contains a commentary on the wider issues of responsibility raised by the collapse of First Solution Money Transfer. This was a UK based private limited company which provided a money transfer service, providing expatriates the facilities to transfer money back to their family in...
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generelle R?ckstufung von Gesellschafterdarlehen nach dem MoMiG in der Insolvenz zu finden und modelltheoretisch zu analysieren … richtiger Ansatzpunkt f?r eine Rechtfertigung des Nachranges von Gesellschafterdarlehen in der Insolvenz sein kann, nicht jedoch …The economic reasons for the legal subordination (MoMiG) of shareholders' loans in the insolvency of a company are …
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The recent financial woes of Greece and other nations are reinvigorating the debate over whether to bail out defaulting countries or, instead, restructure their debt. Bailouts are expensive, in the case of Greece costing potentially hundreds of billions of euros. But a bailout was virtually...
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For over a decade, contracts literature has focused on standardization. Scholars asked how terms become standard, and why they change so rarely. This line of inquiry painted a world where a standard term persists until it is dislodged by another standard term, perhaps after a brief window of...
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This essay highlights a phenomenon that has no place in the conventional theory of sophisticated business contracts: the term that makes no sense as an enforceable promise, one that defies functional explanation, one that drafters blush to rationalize in retrospect or chalk up to honest mistake....
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Default on sovereign debt is a form of political risk. Issuers and creditors have responded to this risk both by strengthening the terms in sovereign debt contracts that enable creditors to enforce their debts judicially and by creating terms that enable sovereigns to restructure their debts....
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(rein marktbasierten) vertraglichen Ansatzes zur Umschuldung von Staatsanleihen aufstrebender Volkswirtschaften zu leisten …?ngsten Umschuldung argentinischer Staatsanleihen kam es zum ersten Mal in der neueren Geschichte von Finanzkrisen dazu, dass die … Umschuldung staatlicher Anleihen zumindest teilweise auf eine mangelhafte Koordination im Rahmen eines Assurance-Spiels unter den …
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