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The dramatic growth of the call center industry is a world-wide phenomenon, fueled by advances in information technologies and the precipitous decline in the costs of voice and data transmission over the last two decades. As part of this global industry, call centres in India have experienced...
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In this chapter, we draw on a comparative international survey of management strategies and employment practices in U.S. and Indian customer contact call centers. We compare these practices across three types of centers: U.S. in-house, U.S. outsourced, and Indian outsourced- offshore operations....
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Virtually all countries are undergoing deregulation and privatisation of their telecommunications sectors. Yet despite the globalisation of markets, technological borrowing, and great similarities in public sector legacies across countries, the outcomes of deregulation and restructuring are not...
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The nature and organisation of creative industries and the creative economy has received increased attention in recent academic and policy literatures (Florida 2002; Grabher 2002; Scott 2006a). Constituted as one variant on new economy narratives, creativity, alongside knowledge, has been presented as a...
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Recently bankers have come to realise that banking operations, especially corporate lending, affect and are affected by the natural environment and that consequently the banks might have an important role to play in helping to raise environmental standards. Although the environment presents...
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Companies increasingly seek solutions to the corporate/local dichotomies perceived to be a feature of more traditional approaches to managing across national boundaries. At the human resource level, the rhetoric of transnationalism emphasizes integration being achieved through 'soft' mechanisms,...
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A nyugati üzleti élet elméleti szakemberei a versenyelőnyöket újabban egyre inkább az "erős kultúrájú" cégeknek ígérik. A tanulmány mindenekelőtt az e prognosztizálások mögött rejlő előfeltételeket veszi számba, majd azt vizsgálja, hogy a vállalati kultúra elmélete...
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View looking North on North Cook St. and Railroad Ave. R.R. Ave was a short street that was parallel to the R.R. tracks from E. Main St. then going northwest down to Hager's lumber yard office then on to North Hough St. The building on the right in this photo is 203 North Cook. The sign above...
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