Showing 1 - 10 of 108
In empirischen und theoretischen Untersuchungen wird die Rolle von Verträgen für das Zustandekommen von ökonomischen Transaktionen auf Arbeitsmärkten betont. Da die Investitionstätigkeit in Sach- und Humankapital sowie in Forschung und Entwicklung häufig spezifisch erfolgt, ist es...
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Previous studies have shown that both environmental uncertainty and organization structure are systematically associated with the perceived usefulness of management accounting system (MAS) attributes. The evidence to date however has been mixed with some suggesting that environmental uncertainty...
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We study business organization and coordination of specialty-market hog production using a comparative analysis of two Iowa pork niche-marketing firms. We describe and analyze each firm's management of five key organizational challenges: planning and logistics, quality assurance, process...
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Teorinėje darbo dalyje aprašomi įvairus kompanijų susijungimų tipai ir būdai., daugiausia orientuojamasi į gamybinėms įmonėms tinkamas, kurios turi ne vieną departamentą ir jose dirba santykinai nemaţai ţmonių Lietuvos rinkos mastu. Analizės dalyje paţymima kad bendrovėse kyla...
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Technology has been an important theme in the study of organizational form and function since the 1950s. However, organization science's interest in this relationship has declined significantly over the past 30 years, a period during which information technologies have become pervasive in...
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We consider a risk averse entrepreneur who approaches a diversified venture capitalist (VC) for financing of a project with positive potential return. We develop several models that capture key features of the venture financing, including staged investment, VC oversight costs and agency...
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Insurance contracts are frequently modelled as principal–agent relationships. The purpose of this paper is to examine the interaction between differential bargaining power and the efficiency of insurance contracts. The analysis is undertaken in a framework of state-contingent production, which...
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. Für die Strukturierung der Nachfrageseite für netzbasierte Dienste werden die Theorien der Auslagerung (Outsourcing) von … communication policy. For ASP demand, theories of outsourcing of information technologies, methods and instruments of cost …-and-utility-measuring and the theory of transaction phases of outsourcing are used. The basis for both supply-side and demand-side evaluations …
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The Maschler-Perles solution is the unique bargaining solution which is superadditive and satisfies the usual covariance properties. We provide two proofs for superadditivity that do not rely on the standard traveling time.
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A cephoid is an algebraic ("Minkowski") sum of finitely many prisms in R^n. A cephoidal game is an NTU game the feasible sets of which are cephoids. We provide a version of the Shapley NTU value for such games based on the bargaining solution of Maschler-Perles.
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