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This article describes a race neutral policy proposal designed to increase business formation and success rates for young urban African Americans. The proposal suggests using local governments' taxing authority, in a manner analogous to tax increment financing, to create financial incentives for...
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Microcredit, or small, short-term loans to the very poor, can help to bring about wholesale changes not only in personal income and the local marketplace, but also by adding meaning to life, building self-esteem and encouraging social integration. The cash advance is only the vehicle. The...
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At the end of World War II, the United States emerged as a world leader, putting into place international institutions based on its own liberal economic philosophy. Since then, the world has witnessed an increasing interconnectedness among states, with economic relationships continually blurring...
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The dissertation, Repression and Network Science: Tools in Fight againstTerrorism, explores what determines post‐terror repression in democracies andwhat alternative tools network science may ultimately reveal to for compellingauthorities to rely on repression less. To do this three papers...
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Deutschland von der Einwanderungs- und Integrationspolitik des größtenklassischen Einwanderungslandes, der USA, etwas lernen …
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Die EU-Osterweiterung war und ist das bestimmende Thema in Europa seit dem Kollaps der ehemaligen sozialistischen politischen Systeme Mittelosteuropas und ihrer planwirtschaftlichen Ökonomien. Das letzte Jahrzehnt des vergangenen Jahrtausends war vor allem durch die wirtschaftliche Annäherung...
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