Showing 1 - 10 of 93
about what comprisesan effective team in organizations today, how their organizational design impacts teamdevelopment and … the different ways that people learn, think about and understand teamsin organizations.Developing a team-based learning … organization requires implementing a systemsapproach that focuses on its leadership, cultural environment, process management …
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Das Personalmanagement in der Mongolei bewegt sich zwischen Emanzipation und Transformation. Wird es weiter so vorangetrieben, kann es Vorbild für andere Entwicklungsländer werden.
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newly founded ventures are started by teams (Ruef, Aldrich, and Carter, 2003). The literature on organizational and team … behavior acknowledges the importance of team composition for business outcomes. The complex interactions among team members … affect the behavior of each individual team member and therefore the performance of the team as a whole (e.g. Williams and O …
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This study evaluates the adoption of Open Source Software (OSS) by IT Small to Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the UK. The growing popularity and acceptance of OSS continues to draw much attention in research and practice. However, researchers and IT practitioners within the UK SME sector...
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Abstract The examination of the behavioural responses of the reciprocal first name exchange as a policy in firms in Nigeria was the main objective of this research. It was also the intent of this empirical work to highlight the challenges and issues of the transferability and applicability of...
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This paper is reviews accident causation, prevention and occupational health and safety (OHS) management as an opportunity for improving organisational performance. A theoretical framework based on a periodization scheme is introduced first. This is then used to examine theoretical and practical...
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Lean manufacturing has been widely adopted by many production companies. Apart from the operational difficulty associated with conversion from a traditional, functional based operation, adoption of Lean manufacturing involves significant organizational transformations. It requires formation of...
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There have been many recent examples in the news of how employees were motivated by their companies to take actions that were not best for the long term success of the company. Mortgage companies gave financial incentives to brokers for each loan approved regardless of quality, which resulted in...
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determine investment returns. Studies have shown that team managed mutual funds exhibit similar risk adjusted performance to … study provides an examination of team managed and individually managed mutual funds with given investment styles on the … basis of fees and overall returns. This study finds empirical evidence that team management has a significant negative …
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computer decision aid by analyzing the impact of such a decision support tool on military team decision making. Decision … team behavior and performance in a military context with military personnel working together in three person teams. The … primary questions addressed by this work are: What is Weasel's overall impact on team versus individual performance and what …
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