Showing 1 - 10 of 21
In empirischen und theoretischen Untersuchungen wird die Rolle von Verträgen für das Zustandekommen von ökonomischen Transaktionen auf Arbeitsmärkten betont. Da die Investitionstätigkeit in Sach- und Humankapital sowie in Forschung und Entwicklung häufig spezifisch erfolgt, ist es...
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While advance booking programs have been shown to be effective for …firms to manage uncertain demand, the effectiveness of such programs is unclear when supply, demand, and price risks are present in a supply chain. Motivated by an advance booking program for managing these three types of...
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We investigate the innovation rate under the impact of business cycles to understand R&D activities and to derive implications for public policies. Combining price competition and endogenous market structure with the framework of dynamic game, we study the Markov perfect equilibrium where...
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The Maschler-Perles solution is the unique bargaining solution which is superadditive and satisfies the usual covariance properties. We provide two proofs for superadditivity that do not rely on the standard traveling time.
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A cephoid is an algebraic ("Minkowski") sum of finitely many prisms in R^n. A cephoidal game is an NTU game the feasible sets of which are cephoids. We provide a version of the Shapley NTU value for such games based on the bargaining solution of Maschler-Perles.
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Debates over proposals to liberalise international trade are often heated and acrimonious. They are often argued, in part, on the basis of projections of market conditions after the proposed liberalisation. These argument are often important in influencing trade policy decisions, yet their...
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After a long debate on wine import tariffs, the Italian Parliament failed to ratify the Spanish- Italian trade agreement on December 17th, 1905. This decision - an unusual episode for a country with relatively low level of protection - left Spain and Italy without a bilateral trade treaty for an...
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Después de un largo debate sobre los aranceles a la importación de vino, el 17 de diciembre de 1905 el Parlamento italiano no ratificó el acuerdo comercial entre España e Italia. Esta decisión, un episodio inusual para un país con un nivel relativamente bajo de protección, dejó a España...
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En este estudio analizamos el acuerdo comercial entre la Unión Europea (UE) y el Mercado Común del Sur (Mercosur), y predecimos sus efectos sobre el comercio y el bienestar utilizando un modelo de gravedad estructural de equilibrio general. En un primer paso, estimamos el incremento en los...
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Artículo de revista ; On 20 December 2020 the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK) signed a Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) setting the terms on which trade relations between both areas will be based. This article describes the essential points of the agreement, in both the...
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