Showing 1 - 10 of 5,765
increased its weight in the Bretton Woods financial institutions, the IMF, and World Bank, while institutionalizing its reach in …
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Textual analysis of the NBER Working Papers published during 1999–2016 is done to assess the effects of the 2007–2009 crisis on the academic literature. The volume of crisis-related WPs is counter-cyclical, lagging the financial-instability-index. WPs by the Monetary-Economics,...
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Textual analysis of 14,270 NBER Working Papers published during 1999–2016 is done to assess the effects of the 2008 crisis on the economics literature. The volume of crisis-related WPs is counter-cyclical, lagging the financial-instability-index. WPs by the Monetary-Economics, Asset-Pricing,...
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million inhabitants or 8.8% of the world population. They wanted to fight colonialism and neocolonialism by promoting Afro …
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with a stronger focus on economic ties. In 2013 these countries counted around 620 million inhabitants or 8.8% of the world …
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Financial market interdependence has been at the epicenter of the crisis in the euro area. This paper tests for the existence of financial contagion during this crisis, defined as the international transmission of country-specific shocks beyond the normal channels of financial interdependence....
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Tema acestei lucrări o reprezintă criza financiară internaționala, începută în 2007, ce a cuprins rapid atât țările din zona Euro, cât și întreaga Europa. Deși în anul 2010 se părea că ne aflăm pe drumul cel bun, pe calea spre ieșirea din criză, în a doua jumătate a...
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After the beginning of the euro area, countries in its periphery engaged in weighty borrowing from foreign private investors, allowing domestic spending to outpace incomes. Now, these countries face debt crises reflecting a loss of creditor confidence in the sustainability of their finances from...
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Given the rising importance of non-financial corporate overseas debt issuance in the overall international capital flow activities, this paper tries to understand the determinants of corporate overseas bond issuance in 32 countries during the sample period 1993-2015. The results suggest that the...
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This study contributes to the literature on financial efficiency and growth. We show that banking development exerts a statistically significant and positive impact on local economic growth. We use the ARDL method to find the impact of institutional financial quality on agriculture sector growth...
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