Showing 1 - 10 of 35
Behavioral Finance is one of the most novel developments in Behavioral Economics. Since the end of the 1970ies a wide range of psychological, economic and sociological laboratory and field experiments proved human beings deviating from rational choices. Standard neoclassical profit maximization...
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This dissertation is a collection of three essays that cover issues in poverty analysis. The first essay (Partial Identification of PovertyMeasures with Contaminated and Corrupted Data) applies a partial identification approach to poverty measurement when data errors arenon-classical in the...
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In this dissertation, I discuss two important factors in individuals' decision-making processes: subjective expectation bias and time-inconsistent preferences. In Chapter I, I look at how individuals' own subjective expectations about certain future events are different from what actually...
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This paper uses introspection and deconstruction as tools to improve understanding of how decisions to purchase cars are made and how a person's preferences evolve in the long run. It is based on a much longer, downloadable account of experience with 18 cars over a 30-year period that involves...
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Does consumer behavior exhibit time inconsistency? This is an essential, yet difficult question to answer. This dissertation attempts to answer this question based on a large-scale randomized experiment in the credit card market. Specifically,we apply both time consistent preferences...
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Exact optimal paths are calculated for two closed, continuous-time economies with explicit functional forms for utility from consumption, and for production from human-made capital and a non-renewable resource. Features of the first economy are non-linear utility, hyperbolic utility discounting...
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Frequent criticism in dynamic decision making research pertains to the overly complex nature of the decision tasks used in experimentation. To address such concerns we study dynamic decision making with respect to the simple race game Hog, which has a computable optimal decision strategy. In the...
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This dissertation asks whether frequency misspecification of a New Keynesian model results in temporal aggregation bias of the Calvo parameter. First, when a New Keynesian model is estimated at a quarterly frequency while the true data generating process is the same but at a monthly...
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This paper studies the effect of labor market reform, in the form of reductions in firing costs and unemployment benefits, on inflation volatility. With this purpose, we build a New Keynesian model with search and matching frictions in the labor market, and estimate it using Euro Area data....
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Las economías avanzadas están experimentando una transformación estructural de la industria hacia los servicios. Nosotros documentamos que el cambio estructural viene con un proceso de services deepening: a lo largo del tiempo, tanto los servicios como la industria utilizan más y más bienes...
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