Showing 1 - 10 of 29
, 1953) for two-person bargaining games. Three of these axioms are standard and are shared by several popular bargaining … solutions. They suffice to characterize these solutions on TU-bargaining games where they coincide. The fourth axiom is a … of Nash's IIA-axiom that together with the three standard axioms suffices to characterize the Nash bargaining solution …
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bargaining games they lead to the Pareto efficient boundary and to the Nash solution, respectively, as sets of maximal elements …
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counterparts for bargaining economies, a specific class of production economies (finite and infinite) representing standard two …-person bargaining games and their continuum counterparts as coalition production economies. Thereby we get core equivalence of the Nash … solution. The results reconfirm the Walrasian approach to Nash bargaining of Trockel (1996). Moreover we establish the same …
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axioms. The paper presents and justifies these axioms and compares them to related conditions used in other bargaining … contexts. In Nash Bargaining Theory, the axioms analogous to these three are in conflict with each other. In contrast, in the …
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We develop a dynamic bargaining model in which a leading country endogenously decides whether to sequentially negotiate … free trade agreements with subsets of countries or engage in simultaneous multilateral bargaining with all countries at … once. We show how the structure of coalition externalities shapes the choice between sequential and multilateral bargaining …
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Conventional wisdom says that economic surplus is created when the cost of litigation is foregone in favor of settlement, a theory flowing from the Coase Theorem. The cost-benefit analysis weighs settlement against the expected value of litigation net of transaction cost. This calculus yields...
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This half-semester course discusses decision theory and topics in game theory. We present models of individual decision-making under certainty and uncertainty. Topics include preference orderings, expected utility, risk, stochastic dominance, supermodularity, monotone comparative statics,...
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This paper explores the sources of bargaining power in wage negotiations, and examines how productivity and training … affect wages. In the standard analyses of wage bargaining, the negotiating partners are specified a priori, and thus it is … impossible to address the question of how they achieve and retain their negotiating positions, on which their bargaining power is …
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The objective of this paper is to investigate the usefulness of non-cooperative bargaining theory for the analysis of … multilateral, multiple issues, non-cooperative bargaining model of water allocation in the Piave River Basin, in the North East of … problem and conduct comparative static analyses to assess sources of bargaining power. Finally, we explore the implications of …
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The relevance of bargaining to everyday life can easily be ascertained, yet the study of any bargaining process is … on some dimensions of the bargaining process – asymmetries and uncertainties in particular – by using a non … most economic situations, uncertainty crucially affects also bargaining processes. Therefore, in our analysis, we introduce …
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