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The CV method estimate the monetary value that specific changes in the provision of goods and services represent for society, which is asked for their Willingness To Pay (WTP) for it, according to their budget and individual preferences, in a survey. The applications of CV are a source of...
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Coffee consumption in China is increasing rapidly over the recent years. This study offers one of the few initial attempts to not only understand general consumption behavior associated with Chinese coffee, but to explore the viability of niche markets for coffee with the credence attribute...
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EU-Unternehmen müssen seit 2005 entsprechend ihrem CO2-Ausstoß genügend Emissionszertifikate einreichen. Da die Zertifikate frei handelbar sind, stellt sich ihnen CO2 als ein zusätzlicher Produktionsfaktor mit unsicherem Preis dar. Derivative Finanzinstrumente helfen beim Management der...
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The twin problems of moral hazard and adverse selection are often blamed for the lack of insurance for many fruits and vegetables. This paper develops an alternative method of testing for adverse selection that uses a two-stage approach to determine the effects of technical inefficiency on the...
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In this paper, we develop an empirical test of consistency in contingent willingness topay (WTP) responses, which is based on the following a priori expectation. In economics,when an individual considers paying for public goods, his decision to pay, and his WTP arebased on utility-maximising...
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In a static setting, willingness to pay for an environmental improvement is equal to compensating variation. However, in a dynamic setting characterized by uncertainty, irreversibility, and the potential for learning, willingness to pay may also contain an option value. In this paper, we...
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In a survey of UK consumers, we elicited their willingness-to-accept (WTA) a discount for GM foods and willingness-to-pay (WTP) a premium for non-GM foods in order to assess their valuation of the non-GM characteristic in food products. Mean WTA exceeds mean WTP, a finding that suggests the...
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In most urban cities across Australia, water restrictions remain the dominant policymechanism to restrict urban water consumption. The extensive adoption of waterrestrictions over several years means that Australian urban water prices have consistently not reflected the opportunity cost of water...
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The methodology used for Economic Valuation of the Externalities generated by the Watershead Restoration and Erosion Control Projects in the Hydrographic Basins of the Mediterranean Slope, is based on the Replacement Cost Method. Environmental Economics, however, today offer us other...
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Payment-for-Ecosystem-Services (PES) programs are gaining appeal as flexible approaches to inducing the voluntary provision of ecosystem services (ES). Farmers, who manage agricultural ecosystems, provide important nonmarket ecosystem services to the public by their choice of production inputs...
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