Showing 1 - 10 of 17
Uno de los rasgos más destacados del mercado laboral español durante la última crisis económica —en contraste con períodos recesivos previos— fue la estabilidad exhibida por la población activa pese a la profundidad y duración de la recesión y pese al impacto negativo que esta tuvo...
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Rationale Population ageing is one of the greatest structural challenges facing the Spanish economy. Foremost among its multiple effects is its contractionary impact on labour supply, which will foreseeably have major implications on both the functioning of the labour market and the potential...
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Since the highest income groups have tremendous influence over economic policy by virtue of money, position, and connection, it is important to identify the interest of these groups with regard to economic conditions. Recently, annual time series data on the shares of the very highest income...
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The relationship between appreciation of the exchange rate and employment is investigated in the period 1980-2008 for the United States. Previous literature has found a negative relationship, studying as channels of transmission the role of exports, substitution of factors of production, terms...
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This Research Titled "Analysis of the Relationship Between Inflation And GDP Against the unemployment rate in Indonesia (Period 1980-2010)". This study uses time series data from 1980 through 2010 as many as 31 research data using two independent variables. To see how large the effect of...
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Magistro darbe išsamiai nagrinėjamos tiesioginės užsienio investicijos (TUI), jų įtaka, svarba ir poveikis Lietuvos ekonomikai. Remiantis Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių atliktais tyrimais, įstatymais, mokslinės literatūros šaltiniais, teorinėje dalyje pateikiama TUI samprata ir esmė,...
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Su nedarbo problema susiduria ne tik Lietuva, bet ir Europos Sąjungos valstybės. 2011 m. pradžioje užfiksuota, kad Lietuva yra trečia pagal nedarbo lygį Europos Sąjungoje. Nedarbo lygis – vienas iš pagrindinių rodiklių, parodančių šalies ekonominę būklę, todėl svarbu...
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Gauta, kad Lietuvos vidutinis 2002-2008 m. migracijos saldo 1000-iui gyventojų buvo -1,86 t.y. mažiausias iš ES šalių. Didžiausios Lietuvos tarptautinės emigracijos apimtys užfiksuotos į aukštesnio pragyvenimo lygio ES šalis, kurių darbo užmokesčio skirtumai yra akivaizdūs...
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Unemployment has been at unacceptable levels for at least twenty-five years and is probably Australia’s most serious economic and social problem. Emphasising the economics of the unemployment problem and focussing mainly on the labour market, a historical approach was used which viewed...
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This dissertation studies the role of clothing manufacturing co-operatives in job creation and poverty alleviation in Sharpeville. Ttie study focuses on three areas, namely, the theories of unemployment, poverty and clothing manufacturing, the state of unemployment and poverty in Sharpeville and...
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