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This dissertation presents a series of three essays that examine the functional form of the U. S. federal income tax and its implications. In the first essay we introduce the convex functional form of the income tax which we believe is superior to the standard income-proportional form. We also...
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Ekonominio nuosmukio sąlygomis, fiskalinės politikos sprendimai ypač svarbūs, nes vienokie ar kitokie žingsniai gali sutrumpinti arba pailginti ir pagilinti ūkio nuosmukį. Tokiu metu ekonomikos dalyviai labai jautriai reaguoja į fiskalinės politikos klaidas. Taigi svarbu tinkamai...
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It is well known by now that population ageing threatens the sustainability of fiscal policies in many countries. Although a number of policy options are available to address the problem, the uncertainty surrounding the future development of the population complicates matters. This paper...
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It is well known by now that population ageing threatens the sustainability of fiscal policies in many countries. Although a number of policy options are available to address the problem, the uncertainty surrounding the future development of the population complicates matters. This paper...
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addresses two long-standing positive questions in public finance: 1) Why is the property tax, despite widespread popular complaints against its fairness, the almost exclusive tax instrument used by local governments; and 2) why do we consistently observe higher levels of governments (states)...
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Tyrimo metu siekiama įvertinti mokesčių sistemos Lietuvoje kitimo įtaką surenkamoms nacionalinio biudžeto pajamoms. Šiam tikslui pasiekti analizuojama mokestinių pajamų dinamika ir struktūra, taip pat nustatomi veiksniai, lemiantys pajamų iš pagrindinių mokesčių surinkimą, o...
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Tyrimo objektas – mokesčių našta žemės ūkyje.Darbo tikslas – nustatyti mokesčių naštą žemės ūkyje ir įvertinti kaip mokesčių ir įmokų pasikeitimai 2009-2011 metais pakeis mokesčių naštą ūkininkų ūkiuose.Uždaviniai: išnagrinėti mokesčių naštos vertinimo...
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Incluye bibliografía ; This paper describes the revenue-raising capacity and structure of the Spanish tax system, in comparison with the economies of the European Union. Spain stands out for the low weight of its tax revenues in GDP relative to the EU27 average. This lower weight of tax revenue...
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In many countries small businesses expect and generally receive special treatment, concessions or arrangements regarding taxation compared with medium and large business. Such policies are based primarily upon the role and importance of small business in economic growth and especially job...
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This paper analyses in the framework of a 2-region economic geography model the impact of transfers on agglomeration of economic activity. Two main results can be derived: First, subsidies to the activity of firms are more efficient to avoid agglomeration than subsidies to consumers (social...
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