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Рассматриваются методологические вопросы анализа и оценки уровня конкурентоспособностисоциально-экономических систем разного уровня (регионов,...
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Potential estimates, like reserves, are limited by the information on hand at the time and are not intended to indicate the ultimate resources. Potential estimates are based on geologic judgement, so their reliability is dependent on the quality and extent of geologic knowledge. Reliability...
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This research aims to elucidate how economic value is generated in the mining business and what the sources of such economic value are. A predicament arises when asking what determines the value of a mining company. The relevancy of this question rests on the influence of mining in economics and...
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Request increase in miners' wages. - No attention, up to the present, has been paid by mine managers of big companies in the Coeur d'Alenes, to demand for a dollar increase in the daily wage of men employed. The companies usually act in concert on such matters but it is said today no conference...
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Seek federal aid to start Idaho mines. Committee drafts plans to ask eleven millions to loan properties nearing production-aid water power. Boise, (AP)-With a federal loan to aid Idaho mining its goal, a state committee began drafting plans for an application to the RFC for an $11,000,000 loan...
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Idaho increases silver output. - Coeur d'Alenes production almost third of entire united states. - The 1929 silver production in Shoshone county was 8,786,525.25 ounces valued at $4,656,243.33 as compared with 8,427,560 ounces valued at $4,928,996.51 in 1928.
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Mine companies' profits higher. - Hecla and federal dividends for quarter are sharply higher. - Hecla Mining company, operating lead, zinc, silver and copper properties in Idaho, reported for the quarter ended March 1, net income of $176,660 after depreciation and depletion, but before provision...
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Three local mines declare dividends. - Dividends of 1.2 cents per share on stock of the Sherman Lead company; one cent per share on stock of the Dayrock Mining company and of four-tenths of one cent pershare on stock of the Tamarack & Custer Consolidated Mining company where announced this...
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Idaho second lead producer. - Yields fourth of nation's output in 1931 -- shoshone's part is 98 per cent of state. - J. Waite's rank high. - Bunker hill first, federal second, Hecla third -- golconda, sherman outgo important. - The production of lead in Idaho, in 1931, decreased from 263,599,300...
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Sidney miners take wage cut - Men employed by the Sidney mine have voluntarily accepted a 50-cent per day reduction in wages, it is reported at Wallace today, and it is possible this is only the first of the companies of the Coeur d'Alenes which will cut wages as a result of the reduction in the...
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