Showing 1 - 10 of 103
and innovative plants in Chile. The results do not support the hypothesis of complementarity and suggest a substitution … means that the incentives aimed at buying knowledge do not improve the performance of internal R+D capacities, at least … within the 2003-2004 period. Furthermore, such incentives might even reduce the establishments’ innovative performance. …
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on a glass half empty instead of on a glass half full. The recently advocated “reform” of simply scrapping the AMT would …
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’s proposals raise matters of obvious importance to a ‘savings-poor’ country like Australia.A second part of the article considers …
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New trends in global economy require greater capacity of the agricultural workforce. In order improve agricultural productivity it is needed to increase the level of human capital of the agrarian population. Human capital is accumulatedknowledge, created in the long term process of human...
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Large estimates of the benefits of microeconomic reform have been put forward in official studies. By contrast, Quiggin …. Overstated claims about the benefits of microeconomic reform have distorted Australia's economic priorities and encouraged an …
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progressive consumed-income tax system. The simplicity, efficiency, administrative ease, and economic incentives provided by a …-income tax is the best option when looking at tax reform. …
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While reform of the financail system has been high on the political agenda in Japan since the 1990s, consumer …
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enterprises (SOEs) in this industry were included in the Master Plan for State Enterprise Sector Reform. Considering the extent of … political background material on: the SOE sector; reform and privatisation of SOEs; SOEs, restructuring and regulation in the … in light of Thai characteristics and economy. ESI reform requires proper sequencing. Building up regulatory capacity and …
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-history analysis of the determinants of reform in the telecommunications and electricity sectors of as many as 205 countries and … borrowing countries. We discuss the possibility that, by pressuring countries into policy reform, cross-national coercion and …
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require new information products and supports including infrastructure reform and capacity development. Provincial HIS needs …
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