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Unternehmenskultur ist ein interdisziplinärer Begriff. Einerseits findet er Anwendung im Rahmen der … international tätigen Unternehmen anhaften kann: Es ist dies die nationale Prägung von Unternehmenskultur. Eine sich stellende Frage … ist, ob es objektiv feststellbare nationale Besonderheiten und Spezifika in der Unternehmenskultur gibt. In der …
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on men's and women's earnings. We extend earlier earnings research and investigate whether the effect of marriage is … constant for men and women at different points on the conditional earnings distribution by using robust and quantile regression … techniques. We find no assoication between marriage and wages for women, but for men a large and significant premium exists with …
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In contrast to curative therapies, preventive therapies are administered to largely healthy individuals over long periods. The risk-benefit and cost-benefit ratios are more likely to be unfavourable, making treatment decisions difficult. Drug trials provide insufficient information for treatment...
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In the 1980s, both wages and labor supply of poorly educated men fell substantially relative to those of educated men … hours and wages. The small implied labor supply elasticities suggest that very little of the labor supply changes of men …
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In Australia there is no federal legislation limiting the use of donor sperm. However, it is important to place limits on the multiple use of sperm donors to reduce the risk of inadvertent half-sibling mating between the offspring of anonymous donors and to control for the consequences of...
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This paper investigates data from reports submitted by finance and insurance organisations employing more than 100 persons to the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency, to identify their approach undertaken in implementing equal employment opportunity. This industry is a...
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Purpose: The aim of the paper is to explore some issues regarding the career development of men and women retail … dominated by male norms and values and this has implications for the way in which men and women managers experience their jobs …
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Over the Past two and a half years banks have failed at the fastest pace since the Great Depression. These rapidly mounting bank failures have rekindled a debate surrounding the use of fair value accounting, with many arguing that fair value has exacerbated the severity of the recent financial...
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different countries throughout the world? Within the same organization, we propose that national cultural differences can …
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Research has shown that informal mentoring relationships benefit the protégé, mentor and employing organisation. As such they have been of interest to public accounting firms. The functioning of these relationships in Big Eight/Big Five accounting firms has been investigated in the USA and...
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