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The study examines the income redistribution effects of the Hungarian flat-tax and the recently introduced family allowance scheme. They were done on the basis of people's individual data for 2007, 2011 and 2020, which yields more accurate estimates than the previous studies based on aggregate...
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The article first gives an overview of the formation and the evolution of the principle of non-refoulement under international law. The different meanings of the concept in the asylum and human rights contexts are then discussed and compared, with due regard to the convergences that arose in the...
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Since the Treaty of Maastricht, EU law has become more open to international law and has engaged with it in different forms of interactions. The influence of EU law on universal law-making has found its way through different legal channels and techniques. The article thoroughly scrutinizes the...
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A körforgásos gazdaság a lineárissal ellentétben, a gazdaságot egy fenntartható gazdasági rendszernek tekinti. Ebben a rendszerben a gazdasági növekedés elválik az erőforrások felhasználásától azáltal, hogy csökken a természeti erőforrások...
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After canvassing the CJEU’s return-related case-law and identifying the references to the ECHR and the Strasbourg case-law within it, based on empirical research of CJEU rulings, this article explores the possible reasons and motivations for the EU Court’s more guarded approach towards ECHR...
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The 2016 New York Declaration,1 for the first time in United Nations (UN) history, coalesced a diverging palette of regional and a few multilateral efforts before the UN General Assembly [.]
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Ebben a tanulmányban eseményelemzés segítségével azt vizsgáltuk meg, hogy a mennyiségi lazítás bejelentésekor megfigyelhető-e abnormális hozam az amerikai szektorhozamok esetében. Arra a kérdésre kerestük a választ, hogy az eszközvásárlási program következtében a...
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In this study, we used event analysis to examine whether abnormal returns can be observed for US sector returns at the time when quantitative easing was announced. In our investigation, we sought to identify the sectors in which the amount of money introduced into the economy as a result of...
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Az alábbi elemzés a hazai biztosítási piac nemzetközi összevetésben történő vizsgálatára tesz kísérletet. Az elemzés során megpróbáljuk a magyar biztosítási piac és a külföld közötti eltéréseket, illetve hasonlóságokat feltárni, illetve lehetőség szerint a...
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During the reform of the tax system several, often contradicting aspects (distorting effect, social justice, etc.) need to be considered. The theoretical taxation models used in economics help us understand the trade-offs between the various aspects, and can contribute to the creation of the...
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