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This paper reports on the increased volatility in the milk price received by Flemish dairyfarmers and its consequence on the risk profile of selected Flemish dairy farms. Thevolatility of the milk price has doubled since January 2007. It is suggested that thisincreasing volatility could have a...
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Food markets in affluent countries tend to be characterized by increasing complexity under severalregards such as the organization of the productive chains, the process that leads to the formationof consumer’s preferences, the information/communication task and the building of trustamong...
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Nowadays, one cannot talk about an authentic rural tourism within a certain destination without emphasizing the local cultural heritage (cultural landscape, customs and traditions, gastronomy and so on). In the existing context, the local gastronomy is perceived as a marketing instrument...
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Risk considerations have become increasingly important in nowadays agriculture, due to a variety ofreasons. Surprisingly, the practice of formalized risk management is not widespread despite the hugeamount of scientific literature on this topic. This discrepancy between risk science and...
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Das Vertrauen der Konsumenten in gesunde Nahrungsmittel wird regelmäßig durchLebensmittelskandale erschüttert. Im Zusammenhang mit der Diskussion von Maßnahmen, die seitens der Produzenten und/oder des Staates ergriffen werden, umNahrungsmittelsicherheit zu gewährleisten, stellt sich die...
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European farmers face increasing income uncertainty and the debate is growing on the role of insurance schemes and of public support in this field. This debate is further stimulated by the perspective of introducing instruments to cope with risk also in the Common Agricultural Policy. Therefore,...
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Farmers face increasing income uncertainty and the debate is growing on the role of insuranceschemes and of public support in this field.This paper applies a PMP modelling approach that takes into explicit consideration riskaversion behaviour to test its applicability to evaluating the potential...
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Dairy farmers'’ profit margins are under pressure due to the downward trend of EU commodity prices for fluid milk and the increasingly powerful retail sector, in combination with increasing production costs. A likely solution to counter small margins is to add value to raw milk. This paper...
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We analyze determinants of hail insurance use of Swiss farmers, covering the period 1990-2009 usingFADN panel data. Mixed effect logistic regression models are estimated to identify the most importantfarm and farmer characteristics that determine insurance use. In addition, information on local...
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Spatially dispersed production and processing, endemic for most agricultural or renewableresource markets, causes oligopsonistic competition. The possibility and useof spatial price discrimination in these markets is well documented. It is also wellknown that the location of processors relative...
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