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Verbreitete Armut ist nach wie vor eines der zentralen Probleme der arabischen Entwicklungsländer, das nicht nur auf begrenzte Erwerbsmöglichkeiten und geringe Einkommen zurückgeht. Große Teile der Bevölkerung verarmen auch deshalb immer wieder, weil sie keinen adäquaten Zugang zu...
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growth, and then goes on to present an empirical examination of the dynamics immigration from Mirpur (Pakistan) and Jullundur …
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Este artículo muestra cómo modelos de demanda pueden utilizarse para cuantificar los efectos de transferencias en especie y en efectivo sobre el bienestar de los beneficiarios. La metodología propuesta se basa en calcular los «precios virtuales» que garantizarían el mismo nivel de...
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This paper studies the effects of cash versus in-kind transfers on child labor. Using data from a program which randomly transferred either cash or a basket of food to poor households in Mexico, I fi nd that the cash transfer reduced children’s work participation by a signifi cantly larger...
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We add to the literature on the long-term economic effects of male military service. We concentrate on post-war British conscription into the armed services from 1949 to 1960. It was called National Service and applied to males aged 18 to 26. Based on a regression discontinuity design we...
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We add to the literature on the long-term economic effects of male military service. We concentrate on post-war British conscription into the armed services from 1949 to 1960. It was called National Service and applied to males aged 18 to 26. Based on a regression discontinuity design we...
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El objetivo de este documento es investigar los efectos causales a largo plazo de la concesión de una beca del Consejo Europeo de Investigación (ERC, por sus siglas en inglés) en la productividad de los investigadores, en la excelencia de su trabajo y en su capacidad para obtener nuevas becas...
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A time series analysis was performed on medical scheme statistics with the aim of determining current and future demographic and economic trends. This would enable one to reach a better perspective on the current and future financial dilemma presently experienced by medical schemes. Data for the...
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is whether such threshold points exist in Pakistan and Ethiopia and, if so, where they are located. Methodologically, the … growth. Moreover, the dynamic asset equilibria are very low. In Pakistan it is below the average asset holdings of the poor … insufficient for rural households in Pakistan and Ethiopia to escape poverty. …
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