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Water managers increasingly are faced with the challenge of building public or stakeholder support for resource management strategies. Building support requires raising stakeholder awareness of resource problems and understanding about the consequences of different policy options. One approach...
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Insbesondere verfolgt diese Studie zwei Hauptziele. Erstens wird das Ausmaß an abwasservermindernden Verfahrensinnovationen bei chemischen Unternehmensstandorten aus dem früheren Bundesgebiet für die 1990er Jahre untersucht. Diese Verfahren können extern erworben oder mit Hilfe...
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This research focuses on urban water policy. The three papers extend the literature through economic application, taking theory in a direction that informs water resource managers on optimal decision-making or a better approach to management. Three primary results are: first, that the optimal...
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Of water withdrawn for agricultural crop irrigation, a portion is consumed and the remainder comes back to the hydrologic system as return flows. Previous models of irrigation water demand have mostly focused on the change in withdrawals in response to price changes, even though knowledge of the...
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A water-crop simulation/mathematical programming model of irrigation water demand in northeastern Colorado is formulated to develop an original concept of derived demand for consumptive use of water. Conventional demand functions for water deliveries are also developed, and the effect of...
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Public water utilities have increasingly turned to increasing block rate price structures to reduce water consumption and signal the high environmental costs of water supply. Hsu evaluates the impact of a new and substantially higher price block added to the existing block rate price structure...
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Fresh water resources provide a platform for complex and often emotional issues to develop, particularly in resource scarcity situations. Bulk water infrastructure contains elements of a public good and proved vulnerable to failures in market and government driven allocation strategies. Common...
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changes in Iran since 1979. The Islamic credit system, offersthe prospect of risk sharing between the borrower and the lender …
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Iran and other countries in the region that are pursuing casemix funding, through identifying the main issues facing cost …
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Die Arbeit gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung des Iran in den vergangenen fünf … die Wirtschaftspolitik im Iran aus dem Zusammenspiel beider Ebenen zu erklären. Als Resultat ergibt sich eine Darstellung … der neueren Wirtschaftsgeschichte des Iran, die nicht nur die spezifischen ökonomischen Probleme dieses geplagten Landes …
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