Showing 1 - 10 of 241
A mezőgazdasági vállalkozásokban jelentős kockázat az árkockázat. Fedezeti ügyletekkel aktív kockázatkezelést folytató gazdálkodók száma jelentősen elmarad a nemzetközi átlagtól. Az árutőzsde hatékony működése szükséges ahhoz, hogy megfelelő határidős ügyletekkel...
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This paper investigates the relationship between annual report disclosure, market liquidity, and capital cost for firms registered on the Deutsche Börse. Disclosure is comprehensively measured using the innovative Artificial Intelligence Measurement of Disclosure (AIMD). Results show that...
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better-informed speculators displays preferences consistent with Kahneman and Tversky’s (1979) Prospect Theory, i.e., loss …
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Darbe yra analizuojamos Nasdaq OMX Baltijos ir Nasdaq OMX Šiaurės rinkos, siekiant nustatyti, kurios rinkos likvidumas yra atsparesnis globaliam finansiniam nuosmukiui ir kokie įmonių lygio veiksniai nulemia didesnį likvidumo atsparumą. Teorinėje dalyje apžvelgiamos rinkos likvidumo...
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En este trabajo se propone un nuevo indicador sintético de liquidez de mercado que resume la información contenida en un conjunto amplio de medidas individuales para los mercados de renta fija de EEUU, tanto soberana como corporativa. En concreto, el indicador propuesto sintetiza diecisiete...
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En este trabajo se analiza la liquidez del mercado de deuda pública a diez años en Estados Unidos antes y después de la crisis financiera. Se consideran tanto el nivel como su resistencia, es decir, la forma en que la liquidez reacciona a los shocks financieros. Tras analizar cinco...
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This paper develops a reduced form three-factor model which includes a liquidity proxy of market conditions which is then used to provide implicit prices. The model prices are then compared with observed market prices of credit default swaps to determine if swap rates adequately reflect market...
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In this paper, we extend the debate concerning Credit Default Swap valuation to include time varying correlation and co-variances. Traditional multi-variate techniques treat the correlations between covariates as constant over time; however, this view is not supported by the data. Secondly, since...
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ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The importance of market microstructure in determining the success of a bond market inallocating financial resources depends on the degree to which the microstructure elements likeliquidity, efficiency and volatility have been designed to determine the proper price at...
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Bond Volatility Transmissions Between United States and European MarketsSeth KulmanFaculty Sponsor: Gordon Dash, Finance and Decision SciencesRecent events have illustrated the degree of connection between the world’s economies. Economic events occurring in one country are felt in countless...
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