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Microeconomic flexibility, by facilitating the process of creative-destruction, is at the core of economic growth in modern market economies. The main reason for why this process is not infinitely fast is the presence of adjustment costs, some of them technological, others institutional. Chief...
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unvollkommenen Rechtsstaat, Innovationen und Wachstum in einem endogenen Wachstumsmodell mit zunehmender Produktvielfalt. Ein … unvollkommener Rechtsstaat heißt hierbei, dass die Eigentumsrechte im Produktionssektor nicht vollständig geschützt sind. Es zeigt …
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Trade liberalization in Latin America has substantially altered business opportunities andeconomic development in the region. As barriers to competing inputs have come down andforeign investment in the region has gone up, small, domestic firms have struggled to stayafloat. Many small businesses...
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This study investigates the interaction between corruption and foreign direct investment inflows in 23 emerging market economies during the period 2002-2014 by employing Westerlund-Durbin-Hausman (2008) cointegration test. We found that control of corruption and rule of law had no statistically...
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We postulate a nonlinear DSGE model with a financial sector and heterogeneous households. In our model, the interaction between the supply of bonds by the financial sector and the precautionary demand for bonds by households produces significant endogenous aggregate risk. This risk induces an...
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We study the link between culturally inherited household structure and wealth distribution in international comparisons using household data for the US and Spain (the SCF and the EFF). We estimate counterfactual US distributions relying on the Spanish household structure. Our results show that...
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Este artículo analiza el problema de un planificador benevolente que desea controlar una población de agentes heterogéneos sujetos a perturbaciones idiosincrásticas. Esto es equivalente a un problema de control determinista en el que la variable de estado pertinente es la distribución de...
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GARCH models are commonly used as latent processes in econometrics, financial economics, and macroeconomics. Yet no exact likelihood analysis of these models has been provided so far. In this paper we outline the issues and suggest a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm which allows the...
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This paper is concerned with the Bayesian estimation and comparison of flexible, high dimensional multivariate time series models with time varying correlations. The model proposed and considered here combines features of the classical factor model with that of the heavy tailed univariate...
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In 2003, an industry-financed, government-administered buyback of trawl fishing permits and vessels took place on the US West Coast, resulting in the retirement of about one-third of the limited-entry trawl fleet. The lack of cost data in this fishery precludes an analysis of how the buyback has...
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