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Despite the federal structure of its constitution, no empirical study of fiscal illusion at the level of state expenditure has yet been undertaken in Australia. This paper seeks to go at least some way towards remedying the omission by subjecting the revenue-complexity, revenue-elasticity and...
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Los Angeles has had the worst traffic for the longest time out of any American city with many of its residents commuting for over an hour to and from work. The solution to this problem has existed for over 50 years but political forces have stopped its implementation. With the funding problems...
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Die hollowing-out Hypothese, auch bekannt unter den Bezeichnungen (two) corner solutions oder bipolar view, besagt, dass für Staaten mit weitgehend ungehindertem Kapitalverkehr nur Ecklösungen, also entweder extrem feste oder sehr flexible Wechselkursregime, langfristig tragbar sind. Mitte der...
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The application of rational choice to non-market decision making has revolutionizedcomparative economics. A fruitful methodological symmetry now prevails in theanalysis of economic systems, emphasizing how their underlying institutions affectindividual incentives. Most importantly, comparative...
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Rumänien ist seit 2007 Mitglied der Europäischen Union. 2004 hat die EU-Kommission die rumänische Volkswirtschaft als funktionierende Marktwirtschaft eingestuft. Trotzdem existieren hohe wirtschaftliche Unterschiede zwischen Rumänien und den restlichen EU-Staaten. Das Land ist relativ groß...
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