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The recent wide development and changes in insurance markets highlighted the necessity to map out the solvency analysis in a more complete framework. The approach we present in the paper comes up with an integrated analysis of the risk profile of an insurance business, taking into account the...
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This study introduces a non linear model for commodity futures prices which accounts for pressures due to hedging and speculative activities. The linkage with the corresponding spot market is considered assuming that a long term equilibrium relationship holds between futures and spot pricing....
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The price of financial derivative with unilateral counterparty credit risk can be expressed as the price of an … otherwise risk-free derivative minus a credit value adjustment(CVA) component that can be seen as shorting a call option, which … is exercised upon default of counterparty, on MtM of the derivative. Therefore, modeling volatility of MtM and default …
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The May 2005 crisis and the recent credit crisis have indicated to us that any realistic model of default dependency needs to account for at least two risk factors, firm-specific and catastrophic. Unfortunately, the popular Gaussian copula model has no identifiable support to either of these. In...
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This paper compares the performance of three methods for pricing vanilla options in models with known characteristic function: (1) Direct integration, (2) Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), (3) Fractional FFT. The most important application of this comparison is the choice of the fastest method for...
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This paper analyses the relationship between leverage and asset price bubbles. During an important historical bubble there was a substantial expansion in the number of railways promoted, most of which were financed by shares which could be purchased on an instalment basis. An analysis of a new...
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Negative prices for electricity are a novelty in European power markets. At the German EEX spot market negative hourly prices have since occurred frequently, down to values as extreme as minus several hundred €/MWh. However, in some non-European markets as USA, Australia and Canada, negative...
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We propose a numerical procedure for the pricing of financial contracts whose contingent claims are exposed to two sources of risk: the stock price and the short interest rate. More precisely, in our pricing framework we assume that the stock price dynamics is described by the Cox, Ross...
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impact on derivative pricing of changing the discounting curve is discussed. The pricing formulas for vanilla products are …
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People tend to think by analogies and comparisons. Such way of thinking, termed coarse thinking by Mullainathan et al [Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 2008] is intuitively very appealing. We develop a new option pricing model based on the idea that the market consists of coarse thinkers as...
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