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measure for working capital, cash conversion cycle and its parts were selected. Net profitability, return on total assets and … return on equity were sorted as the profitability measures in this case. In the last part of the paper, the results of … negative relationship between cash conversion cycle and its parts and profitability measures was not confirmed. Moreover …
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lower than in those operating foreign capital.In eleven years the profitability of the sector has changed significantly …
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profitability of Russian enterprises in the region of Omsk. Based on the finalyearly reports of the enterprises it is shown, that in … this article only the gross profit, or the profitability of the grossprofit are discussed. For the year 2000, the average … profitability of the gross profit of the examinedenterprises amounted to 2,0 %. The profitability on the basis of the profit before …
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O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a formação e a gestão do capital de giro em empresas de fruticultura irrigada localizadas no Vale do Rio São Francisco. A justificativa para esta investigação em empresas de agronegócio se dá pela expressiva participação do setor nos indicadores...
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Economic slowdown and downturn creates new situation for every organisation, no one can avoid facing to new situation createdby the global financial-, and economic crisis. All of the organisational function should reconsider its own role within the company due to thenew circumstances, Accounting...
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The aim of this research is to analyse the influence of working capital, total of labour, allocation of trading time, and long of running a bussines to informal sector income in the District of Rantau Utara Labuhanbatu Regency.In this research use double lenear regression model with component to...
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Baigiamajame darbe analizuota ir įvertinta pinigų srautų valdymo ypatumai ekonominės krizės sąlygomis, išskirtos apyvartinio kapitalo valdymo problemos bei atliktas nustatytų dydžių prognozavimas ir pateikti siūlymai, kaip tobulinti pinigų srautų valdymą įmonėje. Pirmoje darbo...
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Šiame straipsnyje, nagrinėjant finansinius rodiklius, analizuojamas pasirinktų statybos įmonių apyvartinio kapitalo formavimas ir jo valdymo strategijos. Atlikta finansinių rodiklių analizė. Daroma išvada, jog kompleksiniam apyvartiniam kapitalui valdyti turi būti sukurta kontrolės...
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This research examines the impact of purchasing constraints and demand variability on working capital balances. The working capital accounts considered are creditors, debtors and raw material inventories. Purchasing constraints and demand uncertainty are defined. The supply chain of the South...
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This article explains the purpose of inventory from a scientific point of view. A structural analysis of working capital of enterprises in Ukraine has been carried out and the role and place of inventories has been defined. Reversibility of inventory has been calculated. A discount rate of...
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