Showing 1 - 10 of 19
In modern organisations business process modelling has become fundamental due to theincreasing rate of organisational change. As a consequence, an organisation needs tocontinuously redesign its business processes on a regular basis. One major problemassociated with the way business process...
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Human capital and its impact on the organisation structure capital are of paramount importance in the modern business organisations. This research in progress, which investigates and analyses the role that human capital plays in the determination of the organisation structure capital. The study...
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In current work problems and requirements for demand forecasting in commercial or manufacturing enterprises are analyzed and suitable forecasting algorithms are proposed. In enterprises with multidimensional and heterogeneous demand it is advisable to use different algorithms for different...
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The main goal of these thesis is : to carry out all organization process that must be computerized. There are some processes which man cannot carry out withuot special software. The main critical proces is financial control of contracts. Contract begins with signing between our handing...
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Kauno technologijos universiteto informacijos sistemų katedroje darbuotojai vienu metu dirba keliuose projektuose, atlieka mokslinę veiklą, veda paskaitas, dalyvauja konferencijose, seminaruose. Katedros darbuotojams yra svarbu, kad visi darbai būtų atliekami laiku, pagal nustatytą...
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Many small enterprises in Lithuania don’t use information systems in their accounting. This is because almost all of already developed accounting software is quite complex, expensive and has many additional features, witch aren’t useful for a small enterprises. This is why it has been...
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Daugelis Lietuvos bankų turi įsidiegę daugiau nei 3 lygiagrečiai veikiančias sistemas. Taip yra dėl to, kad beveik kiekvienam banko departamentui reikia visai kitokio profilio sistemos, t. y., apskaitos, rizikos valdymo, ERP (angl. Enterprice Resource Planing), CRM (angl. Customer...
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Pastaruoju metu IT paslaugas teikiančių įmonių sparčiai daugėja, todėl ugdymo institucijos pasaulyje didelį dėmesį skiria praktinio darbo gebėjimų ugdymui šioje srityje. Tam taikomi įvairūs mokymo metodai ir technologijos. Pedagogai nuolat siekia priartinti praktinio darbo...
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Nowdays, the business development of company depend on the advanced information technology awned by company and the skill of human resources in apply the technology. Hospital is a health care institution in addition state or private owned business unit with two role, i.e as social agent and as...
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Background. Traditional 'data-led' information systems have created excessive amounts of poor-quality and poorly utilised data. The Health Information Systems Pilot Project (HISPP), a Western Cape project that started in 1996, initiated a process in one of its three pilot sites to model an...
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