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In this thesis it is analyzed if promoting product market competition can help to to fight unemployment in Europe. We have used a general equilibrium model in order to study how reducing mark-ups and increasing productivity in one sector affect aggregate unemployment for an exogenously given...
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A new strand of literature has recently sought to investigate possible links between technological changes, observed modifications to firms' organizational structure and the evolution of the wage gap between skilled and unskilled workers. After a brief overview of such approaches, this essay...
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This study compares the effects of economic internationalisation on the functional distribution of labour income in the U.S.and Germany. The benchmark for assessing the empirical analyses theoretically is the general equilibrium framework ofinternational trade theory. Focusing on general...
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Vergleicht man die r?umliche Industriekonzentration der USA mit der europ?ischen in den siebziger Jahren, erkennt man, da? Industriesektoren in den USA wesentlich st?rker agglomeriert sind als in Europa. Dies f?hrt Paul Krugman auf das zum Untersuchungszeitpunkt bestehende gr??ere Ma? an...
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This study focuses on testing the relationship between income inequality and growth within U.S. counties, and the channels through which such effects are observed. The study tests three hypotheses: (1) income inequality has an inverse relationship with growth; (2) regional growth adjustments are...
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The aim of this paper is the evaluation of gross value added inequality in the field production businesses, including the definition of determinants that cause or eliminate the mentioned inequality. The fulfillment of this aim is based on the quantification and decomposition of the Gini...
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Positive economics, which is aimed on searching patterns among economic phenomenons and processes, is in submitted paper focused on relationship between economic activity of inhabitants - self-employed persons and thein tax duties - income tax of self-employed persons. This causality was...
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Die jungen Marktwirtschaften der Staaten Mittel- und Osteuropas streben nach der Mitgliedschaft in der Europäischen Union.Bereits im April 1998 werden erste Beitrittsverhandlungen mit fünf Ländern aus der Region beginnen. Die ökonomischeProblematik einer Integration der Reformländer in den...
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