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deutscher KMU. Im Fokus stehen die Verf?gbarkeit konkreter Finanzierungsinstrumente f?r KMU und deren Akzeptanz im Mittelstand … Finanzierungsvolumen bei KMU h?ufig unter den Mindestgrenzen derartiger Kapitalgeber. Staatliche F?rderinstrumente, welche vor allem von gr …, various aspects of the innovation behaviour of the companies are highlighted. It is shown that funding from earned profits has …
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Evaluation nutzt dabei zuerst Daten des Mannheimer Innovation Panel für die Untersuchung in Deutschland und später Daten der … Community Innovation Survey für die Untersuchung in Europa. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die drei verschiedenen Ebenen der … Ländern erreicht dabei KMU als Unternehmen mit Problemen bei der Innovationstätigkeit signifikant besser als andere Ebenen …
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Innovationsmanager in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) der Pharmaindustrie bei der Einführung des Open Innovation Managements zu … Innovation bei Pharma-KMU zu entwickeln.Der Ausgangspunkt des Projektes war die Erkenntnis, dass die Life Sciences-Branche im …Vorliegender Leitfaden ist eines der Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts „Open Innovation in Life Sciences“ (OIL), das …
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SMEs new arenas to engage in what we may call are “global innovation” activities so as to gain, retain, and further … strengthen the competitive position. This pressure to go for global innovation is enhanced by given socio-demographic factors, e … carried out in the Metropolitan Region of Hamburg in Germany to identify barriers to innovation in selected industries and to …
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continuously innovate, often having to do more with less. Increasing awareness of the benefits of stimulating continuous innovation … in small and medium enterprises has led to the development and implementation of design innovation programs, with many … western countries investing in design innovation programs for better firm performance. This paper investigates how firms …
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Artículo de revista ; To contribute to the fight against climate change and achieve a carbon-neutral economy, a large volume of funds must be mobilised to finance the necessary investment. The international financial system will play a key role in this process to channel the financing, but...
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Artículo de revista ; The consequences of climate change affect both the financial system and the economy as a whole. Understanding the attendant risks and meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement, so as to restrict the rise in global temperature and mobilise the resources needed to achieve a...
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Rationale This article offers a general description of the road towards an economy with zero net emissions (net zero), stressing the importance of this process in portfolio management. To this end, it reviews several of the initiatives currently under way, and details the aspects needed to...
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El cambio climático y la transición a una economía baja en carbono implican al sistema financiero mediante dos vías. Primero, por su papel de canalizador de la financiación necesaria para realizar las cuantiosas inversiones que requiere el cumplimiento del Acuerdo de París. En los últimos...
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The EU Taxonomy for sustainable activities was created with the goal of becoming a crosssectional law for all current and future EU regulations on sustainable finance. The initial proposal for an EU Taxonomy was in 2018, and the final regulation, containing its basic principles and foundations,...
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