Showing 1 - 10 of 23
Nominal exchange rate volatility has been greater than that of "fundamentals" supposed to establish the exchange rates. A major contribution to our understanding of this volatility was given by Rudiger Dornbusch in his 1976 paper "Expectations and Exchange Rate Dynamics", where stickiness of...
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This paper examines the role of disequilibrium conditions in influencing price adjustment processes in developing countries. Measures of real and financial sector disequilibrium are constructed for a sample of 58 developing countries over the period 1973-1998 using structural VAR methodology....
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This paper compares the P-bar model of price adjustment with the currently dominant Calvo specification. Theoretically, the P-bar model is more attractive as it depends on adjustment costs for physical quantities rather than nominal prices, while incorporating a one-period information lag....
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In this research we estimate the effect of El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) over time on market dynamics for eight major vegetable oil prices. We estimate a system for vegetable oil prices by using a smooth transition vector error correction model (STVECM) to analyze impacts of ENSO events on...
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This paper provides an empirical description of the behaviour of excess returns on UK government discount bonds interms of risk factors such as the forward premium, the slope of the term structure, dividend yields and excess stockreturns. We identify the existence of a time-varying term...
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American Depository Receipts (ADRs) represent shares of foreign firms that are issued and traded in the U.S. Since an ADR and its underlying shares represent ownership interest of the same firm, they should be perfect substitutes in a perfect market. However, market imperfections such as...
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Allokationsverfahren zur Vergabe von Zutrittslizenzen an Marktneulinge differieren hinsichtlich mehrerer Aspekte. Einer davon ist die Veröffentlichung der vom Regulierer im Lizenzvergabeverfahren gesammelten Informationen. Der Autor untersucht den Einfluss der Informationsweitergabe auf die...
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American Depository Receipts (ADRs) represent shares of foreign firms that are issuedand traded in the U.S. Since an ADR and its underlying shares represent ownership interest ofthe same firm, they should be perfect substitutes in a perfect market. However, marketimperfections such as...
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In this article, the authors study a fully connected network (cluster) of interacting two-state units as a model of cooperative decision making. Each unit in isolation generates a Poisson process with rate g. The authors show that when the number of nodes is finite, the decision-making process...
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Legislative authorization for the Livestock Mandatory Reporting Act of 1999 was renewed in October of 2006. One of the cited justifications for implementing mandatory reporting was that the voluntary reporting system for the slaughter cattle cash market was unable to provide accurate and timely...
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