Showing 1 - 10 of 17
A Magyar Közgazdasági Társaság Fejlődésgazdaságtani Szakosztálya interjút készített dr. Kovács Árpáddal, a Költségvetési Tanács elnökével, a Magyar Közgazdasági Társaság örökös tiszteletbeli elnökével a 2023-as költségvetésről a gazdaságpolitikai kihívások...
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A vizsgált téma aktualitását indokolja, hogy az űripar ma az egyik leginnovatívabb, gyorsan fejlődő, válságokra kevésbé érzékeny, világméretekben rendkívül dinamikusan növekvő iparág. Rezilienciáját1 mutatja a 2020 tavaszától indult világméretű pandémiás járvány...
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Jövőnk a gyermek — Adalékok a népességgyarapodás társadalmi programjához I. Szerkesztette: Báger Gusztáv és Benda József Veszprémi Humán Tudományokért Alapítvány, 2019
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This study was motivated by the fact that space industry has become one of the most innovative, rapidly developing, least crisis-sensitive industries, which grows dynamically worldwide. Its resilience to shocks is quite apparent. Since the outbreak of the pandemic1 in spring 2020, the sector...
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In the first decade of the 2000s it became evident that in order to prevent the overspending of Hungarian budget manage-ment – which was quite detached from actual performance – executing the current budgets in a more disciplined manner was not enough. Regaining and maintaining financial...
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The crisis of financial intermediary systems uncovered not only the consequences of the shifting of the centre of gravity of world economic development, and with it the structural problems of the European economy, but also highlighted the disequilibria of state budget management – of fiscal...
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The State Audit Office (SAO) has not explicitly audit competitiveness, but hundreds of its reports on the operation of public finances discussed many areas related to the improvement of competitiveness and the underlying conditions. In addition, while performing research activities, the staff...
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When preparing the studies of this volume, the starting point for all of us, whether overtly or covertly, was the conviction that, if we really intended to help, we should avoid and surpass simplified problem identification, one-dimensional data processing or analyses ignoring interactions, or...
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The relationship between India and Hungary can look back on a rich tradition and long history, for the first steps of cooperation reach back to the 15th and 16th centuries. In this path that spans centuries, cooperation in the areas of science, culture and economy has developed and gained...
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Professor László Ladó, a visionary thought leader PONTUS KFT., 2008
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