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This thesis is composed of four essays which contribute to the literature in panel cointegration methodology. The first … essay compares the finite sample properties of the four residual-based panel cointegration tests of Pedroni (1995, 1999) and … the likelihood-based panel cointegration test of Larsson et al. (2001). The simulation results indicate that the panel …
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sensitiv auf die Spezifikation der Geldnachfrage reagiert. Dieser Themenkomplex wird über die Modellierung alternativer … Mikrofundierungen der Geldnachfrage adressiert, die jeweils unterschiedliche Skalierungsvariablen implizieren. Zunächst wird ein Money … Literatur, der dazu führt, dass der private Konsum die Skalierungsvariable der Geldnachfrage wird. Diesem Ansatz werden …
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markets of Ghana by simultaneously regarding its fivemost important markets, Navrongo, Techiman, Kumasi, Tamale and Accra, in …, tomato markets in Ghana appear to beintegrated and function very well since price signals are rapidly passed throughthe …
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While much attention has focused on the modelling of the interdependencies between key aggregates and stock indices in industrialised countries, this thesis is focused on investments in emerging markets and real estate – two research branches that have up to now not been investigated to a...
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Die Gründung der EWU gilt als das wichtigste monetäre Ereignisse der jüngsten Vergangenheit. In der deutschen Geschichte gab es eine ähnliche Zäsur, die Währungsreform von 1871-76, in der nicht allein die gültigen Währungen, sondern auch das Bankwesen und das Metallregime verändert...
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This paper reports results of a test of money demand and supply as predicted by recent studies applied to small economies with greater openness to external factors. These results suggest that the short- and long-run money balances are determined by both the interest rate policies as well as the...
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for testing the null hypothesis of no cointegration against alternatives which are fractionally cointegrated. Fractional … cointegration would imply that, although there exists a long-run relationship, the equilibrium errors exhibit slow reversion to zero …. It is found that the null hypothesis of no cointegration cannot be rejected for Japan. By contrast, there is some …
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Late in 1982, the growth of the money supply (MI) accelerated sharply while nominal GNP growth declined. The ratio of GNP to MI is refereed to as the "income velocity of money" and the inverse of velocity is the "demand for money." So when income growth slowed while money growth increased, it...
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The objectives of this research are to analyze the contribution of real income, interest rate, inflation to the change on money demand in Indonesia, to know the contribution of real income, interest rate, money demand to the change on inflation in Indonesia, to know the contribution of real...
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