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Bei zunehmenden Investitionsausgaben f?r Informationstechnologie (IT) ist die aktuelle Situation, dass ca. 70% der IT-Investitionen die geplanten Ziele nicht erreichen (vgl. Chaos Report der Standish Group), kaum tragbar. Dieser Zustand resultiert u.a. aus einer Fehlallokation von Ressourcen...
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Tyrimo objektas – ūkininko ūkio verslo vertė.Tyrimo tikslas – pasiūlyti ūkininko ūkio verslo vertės nustatymo metodiką, kuri padėtų nustatyti galutinį verslo vertės dydį.Tyrimo uždaviniai:• analizuojant mokslininkų darbuose pateiktus vertės apibrėžimus, išnagrinėti...
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Real options valuation (ROV) has recently been proposed as a promising solution to the deficiencies of traditional valuation methods when facing risky technology investments or ventures. Indeed ?real option thinking? - the managerial flexibility to capitalise on opportunities when they arise...
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Recent and presumable future developments tend to increase the risk associated with farming activities. This causes an increasing importance of risk management. Farmers have a wide variety of possibilities to influence the risk exposure of their operations. Among them are the choice of the...
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