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This report will outline a new framework for improved yields and increased sustainability in Sub-Saharan African smallholder agriculture. Given the failures of agricultural development aid and policy in the past, cross-sector collaboration among local farmer networks, national governments, and...
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There is growing evidence that a vast majority of CEO’s believe that sustainability-related issues are having or will soon have a material impact on their firms. Nearly all of the academic literature on the firm level impacts of corporate social performance (CSP) has focused on looking for a...
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ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an illustrious initiative that most companies takeadvantage of in order to position themselves for competitive advantage in the businessworld. Other companies view it as an opportunity to contribute towards the development ofthe society...
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The article deals with internationally acknowledged standards and norms in the sphere of corporate social responsibility. It introduces the concept of social responsibility, the so-called triple-bottom line, in terms of which the company focuses not only on the economic growth but it also takes...
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In a developing country context, a policy to promote adoption of common environmental content for corporate codes of conduct (COCs) aspires to meaningful results on two fronts. First, adherence to COC provisions should offer economic benefits that exceed the costs of compliance; i.e., companies...
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The social responsibility of businesses has developed into a highly debated issue in recent years.Especially in agribusiness, recent scandals as well as information asymmetries concerning food production have ledto high external pressure on firms from the wider public. Being confronted with a...
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The paper investigates the evolution from corporate social responsibility to supply chain responsibilityvia the examination of a leading UK food retailer. These two concepts differsubstantially and illustrate contrasting approaches in terms of social responsibility developmentand application. A...
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Die Erschließung neuer Absatzkanäle im konventionellen Lebensmitteleinzelhandel hat einrasantes Wachstum des Marktes für ökologische Lebensmittel ermöglicht. Neben positivenEffekten dieses Wachstums, wie einem erhöhten Absatz von Bio-Produkten und umfassendenProfessionalisierungseffekten...
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While companies have been practising philanthropy for decades, the field ofCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a relatively new and fast evolving fieldin business. Companies invest ever increasing sums of money and resources inCSR; consequently, there is a need for companies to think...
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In today’s competitive business environment, a company which understands thereasons why consumers chose to purchase their product or service instead of theircompetitors’ should be able to use these reasons to gain competitive advantage.As more consumers are becoming aware of social causes...
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