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"Robot cars" are cars that allow for automated driving. They can drive closer together than human driven "normal cars" and thereby raise road capacity. Obtaining a robot car instead of a normal car can also be expected to lower the userś value of time losses (VOT), because travel time can be...
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Vor ca. 10 Jahren wurde das Unternehmen YouTube gegründet, das bereits ein Jahr später in die Unternehmung Google integriert wurde. Die heute mehrseitige Plattform nahm seitdem eine bemerkenswerte Entwicklung und hat für die Unterhaltungsindustrie mittlerweile einen nicht zu verachtenden...
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This paper evaluates the effects of the lack of regulatory commitment on emission tax applied by the regulator, abatement effort made by the monopoly and social welfare comparing two alternative policy games. The first game assumes that the regulator commits to an ex-ante level of the emission...
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Under strict net neutrality Internet service providers (ISPs) are required to carry data without any differentiation and at no cost to the content provider. We provide a simple framework with a monopoly ISP to evaluate different net neutrality rules. Content differs in its sensitivity to delay....
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In Deutschland wird derzeit die Ausgestaltung der Anreizregulierungsverordnung für Energienetze für die dritte Regulierungsperiode (ab 2019) diskutiert. Im Kern steht der sachgerechte Umgang mit dem hohen Investitionsbedarf, vor dem viele Netzbetreiber stehen. Die preisbasierte...
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Despite the positive effect electricity grids separated from generation and supply by ownership are expected to have on the level of competition in the non-network activities, several EU member states still adhere to a solely legally unbundled transmission grid. This choice might be induced by...
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In jüngster Zeit hat die EU mit Argumenten des Verbraucherschutzes direkte Preisregulierungen im Mobilfunkbereich durchgesetzt und wird diese in Zukunft noch verschärfen. Unter Zuhilfenahme eines einfachen Modells wird im vorliegenden Beitrag gezeigt, welchen Einfluss derartige...
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This study examines the effect of yardstick regulation in Japan’s gas distribution sector, especially focusing on its effect of reducing the adverse selection problem. The Japanese government has regulated the price of city gas supplies by a combination of fixed-price regulation and ex-ante...
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This paper analyzes a mechanism through which a supplier of unknown quality can overcome its asymmetric information problem by selling via a reputable downstream rm. The supplier s adverse-selection problem can be solved if the downstream rm has established a reputation for delivering high...
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Surrounding the passage of Dodd-Frank, a noted author argues that existing market manipulation statutes cannot effectively prosecute manipulation cases because the statutes prohibit fraud, not market power. This is incorrect. While traditional economic theory can explain the incentives...
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