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Dieser Beitrag untersucht die Arbeiten von Jon Elster zum Problem lokaler Gerechtigkeit. Das Thema dieser Arbeiten sind Rationierungsentscheidungen. Es geht um die Allokation und Distribution knapper Zuteilungsgüter, also etwa um die Vergabe von Kindergarten- oder Studienplätzen, die Zuweisung...
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(under) overbid the equilibrium strategy when rationing is (high) low, with only this latter effect being persistent over …
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rationing of excessive demand is not optimal. It describes the characteristics that rationing of excessive demand has to imply … implementation is offered as well. -- crowdinvesting ; market microstructure ; rationing ; equity ; underpricing ; excessive demand …
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We document the existence of pricing styles in the concert industry. Artists differ in the extent to which they rely on second- and third-degree price discrimination, and in the probability of their concerts selling out. Most strikingly, artists who use multiple seating categories are more...
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present a different solution to the commons problem that has eluded the attention of theorists: access rationing. Access … rationing measures rely not only on restrictions on the number of users but also on a variety of economic, informational, and … technological techniques that can be readily adjusted to changing circumstances. By focusing on the point of entry, access rationing …
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We propose a new class of hedonic models with sticky prices and queues. Time replaces money as the invisible hand in the market. Unlike money, time is non-transferable to the trading partner. We prove the existence and uniqueness of the equilibrium, and we compare our model with the standard...
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We develop a new dynamic equilibrium model with heterogeneous households that captures the most important frictions that arise in housing rental markets and explains the political popularity of affordable housing policies. We estimate the model using data collected by the New York Housing...
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Committing to prices that result in rationing may be more profitable than setting market-clearing prices if customers … must make sunk investments to enter the market. Rationing is ex post inefficient, but it gives more surplus to lower …
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This paper evaluates how R&D subsidies to the business sector are typically awarded. We identify two sources of ineffciency: the selection based on a ranking of individual projects, rather than complete allocations, and the failure to induce competition among applicants in order to extract and...
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